
Posts by Adan Mathews

Raw 9/11 Footage Restored and Enhanced to High Definition 60 FPS

This video was originally filmed by Mark LaGanga. He was working for CBS News at the time. Be warned, the scenes and footage is intense. This was restored and enhanced to 1080p 60 frames per second. The video quality is incredible. But let’s make sure not to lose sight that thousands of people died on...

17 Cringeworthy Ways Parents Found out Their Child Is No Longer a Virgin.

The story of losing your virginity may include that very embarrassing part when your parents unexpectedly walked in on you. The situation only gets worse when they’re not your parents but your partner’s catching you boinking their precious child. Sometimes before you’ve even met them. Parents find out their kid(s) is no longer innocent to...

Chris Crocker, Better Known as the ‘Leave Britney Alone!’ Guy, Is Really Hot Now, Much Stronger Than Yesterday.

Remember Chris Crocker, the “leave Britney alone” guy? You know, the teen who became a YouTube sensation after filming himself tearfully defending Britney Spears in the middle of her 2007 mental breakdown? This guy? Well, he’s super good-looking now, which, on the Internet, is the best revenge for mean-spirited viral fame you can hope for....

People Share the Secrets They Won’t Tell Their Parents

Redditors recently shared stories of secrets they’ve kept from their parents, but don’t feel bad for thee moms and dads. As these stories prove, it really can better that to know too little than know too much—​after all, what parent wants to discover that their kid had sex with his cousin or became a “local...

21 Millennials Respond to Messages and Try to Shut down the Myth Our Generation Is the Worst

Being a millennial isn’t all selfies and avocado toast. Being born between 1980 and 2000 also means being a part of the first generation to be worse off than their parents, stuck on a planet that is becoming increasingly uninhabitable by the day! Millennials are doing what they do best: taking out their frustration through...

The Real Reasons Why These 12 Popular TV Characters Were Killed Off

When a character suddenly dies on your favorite TV show, you go through the usual stages of grief: shock, sadness, hoping it’s a dream sequence, Facebook petition, reruns, Twitter rant, and, finally, acceptance. Questions arise when a fan-favorite is suddenly cut from the story line. Is it just for ratings, or is there a bigger...

Scientists Have Discovered What Causes Resting B*tch Face

Resting Bitch Face (also known as Bitchy Resting Face) was a “thing” long before there was a name for it. The number one symptom is an almost always unintentional look of annoyance or disdain on the victim’s face when not talking or even emoting. Sufferers are often unaware of their plight, unsure what causes them...

13 People Share Their Bachelor Party Horror Stories

There are certain classic elements of a bachelor party: bros, alcohol, the occasional sex worker. This, combined with the expectation for the groom-to-be to behave like a complete jackass because it’s his “last night of freedom,” can often lead to some really bad choices. These redditors bravely shared their stories of bachelor parties gone wrong....

Celebrities Who Seem Really Nice Considering the Nasty Rumors About How Horrible They Are.

Sometimes, you remember that Hollywood stars are famous because they’re really, ridiculously good at acting—and that those skills might sometimes cover up the fact that they’re actually hee-haw jerks who walk the planet only to make misery. Here are a few seemingly nice celebrities who might actually be awful. 1. Katherine Heigl There are a...

Here Is What 15 Celebrities Put in Their Instagram Bios

Instagram has over 500 million users. Pretty much everyone is using the social media app to share sexy selfies, sunsets, and brunch pics. Even the super rich and famous are Instagram obsessed. (Except Justin Bieber who went bonkers and deleted his account.) We all love to see celebs’ photos from their everyday lives, but the...

10 People Share the Moment They Realized They’d Marry Their Spouse

In case your significant other ever comes across one of the multiple AskReddit threads asking some version of the question, “What made you realize that you’d marry your current wife/husband?” you should start rehearsing your own answer right away. You’ve got some stiff competition, because the people who contributed their anecdotes had some seriously thoughtful,...

Girl Lays Down Ultimate Rule After Wasting Beauty Routine on Her ‘Babe’ Who Stood Her Up.

A lot of times, people don’t speak up when their significant other does something that bothers them. Imgur user somethingsomethingDANGER is not one of those people. When her “babe” canceled on her last minute, after she had already put herself through an extensive beauty routine, she wasn’t afraid to express her feelings on the matter....

23 Memes That Millennials Might Find Funny

Sorry Baby Boomers, you aren’t going to be lol-ing at these lit memes. They are for millennial eyes only. Only scroll further if you’ve got a belly full of avocado toast and nothing in your bank account. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18....

Jilted Wife Auctions Wedding Dress with World’s Most Hilariously Bitter eBay Listing.

God bless this woman who is auctioning her old wedding dress on eBay to help fund her divorce. The dress, which is going for over £65,000, is apparently in “great condition but needs dry cleaning before wearing to get rid of the stench of betrayal.” Damn. Says the scathing auction listing: I’m selling this designer...

11 People Share Stories About Their Ex-Boyfriends/Girlfriends

When you hear the phrase “crazy ex,” chances are a specific person you’ve dated comes to mind. Maybe they did some weird things like talking about wanting babies on the first date or stealing Pop-Tarts from your house, but they’ve got nothing on these crazy exes. A recent AskReddit thread prompted people to share stories...