Should This Woman Feel Badly For Kicking Her Boyfriend’s Friend Out With Nowhere To Go?
Sometimes, the idea that we have to be “nice” can get in the way of doing what’s right. We’re so programmed to be polite, and to worry about other people’s feelings, that we tend to overlook their bad behavior and how it affects us and others. This woman has been close with a best friend...
How Much Negotiating Should You Do With Your Ex’s New Spouse?
When couples with children get divorced, it takes attorneys and judges and a lot of negotiation (and patience) to work out a situation – financially and otherwise – that works for everyone involved. When one or both parties decide to get re-married, things that were working fine before can get complicated once again. That’s the situation...
Is It Rude To Refuse To Allow A Medical Student To Observe Your Exam?
Most of us have been in the situation where we expect to see just our doctor and end up in an exam with a bigger audience. For some people, it’s no big deal – we know that doctors have to learn somehow and they’re happy to help. For others, it causes discomfort for one reason...
Is It Always Wrong To Side With Your Ex Over Your Current Partner?
I think most people assume that when it comes to partners, you current one should always take top priority. There are times, though, when that’s just not true – like, for example, when children are involved. And for some people, that loyalty also extends to fur-children. This man and his ex adopted a puppy together...
Should We Always Apologize After Harsh Words Are Exchanged?
Most of us pride ourselves on keeping our cool a majority of the time. We want to keep a level head, and to not upset the people in our lives without seriously considering what it is we want to communicate first. That said, we all lose it occasionally. That’s just a part of being human....
Formerly Rich People Share Their Experiences After Becoming Poor
This is a topic that most people don’t hear much about – probably because we don’t want to imagine going from rich to poor. Especially in America, poor to rich are the tales we like to celebrate, right? There are always lessons to be learned in life, though, so if you’re curious what it’s like...
People Share Interesting Truths About Transactional Relationships
We all have different life experiences, right? That’s especially true when it comes to relationships and dating, so if you’re not someone who has found themselves in a “transactional” relationship – one where assets of one kind or another are exchanged – then you might be curious what it’s like. Luckily we have this little...
10 People Confess How Hard It Is To Be On A Different Page From Your Partner
When we’re young and naive, it’s easy enough to believe that falling in love is all you need to be happy with another person for life. In reality, there are many factors that go into relationships working long term, and two people being able to stay on the same page for decades is truly a...
People Talk About What Happens When Couples Don’t Agree About Putting A Baby Up For Adoption
Finding out your pregnant is one of those watershed moments in life where everything changes in an instant. If a baby is something you’ve hoped and prayed for, or something you believe you can handle, it can be a moment of joy. If a baby is a total surprise, and maybe not a good one,...
How Much Leeway Should You Give A Cruel Older Sister? Woman Asks The Internet For Advice.
Family dynamics are always interesting and occasionally challenging. When you’re dealing with a sibling who struggles with their mental health, complications can run rampant – and so can our emotions. For this woman, she’s dealt with a bully for an older sister her entire life. The sister’s meanness and wrath was largely directed at a...
When Is The Right Time To Tell A Date About Your Prosthetic?
Dating is hard. That’s a full statement on its own, but for people who struggle with issues related to their appearance – superficial things that shouldn’t bother potential mates but often do – it can be a whole other can of worms. This girl lost one of her legs as a toddler and has had...
Are You Required To Disclose Whether Or Not You’re Bilingual In Social Situations?
I have no idea why people assume others are monolingual these days. People have families from different places, they’ve chosen to learn a second language on their own, etc etc, but there are plenty of reasons people can understand and speak something other than their native tongue. Is it on all of us to disclose...
Does Being Nice Ever Trump Feeling Safe?
I grew up in the Midwest. If you did, too, then you might know what its like to feel as if being “nice” is the best way to go about your day. What I’ve learned as an adult (and thank goodness it wasn’t too late), is that it’s ok to decide that your safety and...
Teacher Explains How “First Cousin Once Removed” Actually Works
I suppose there might be people out there who have always understood the difference between cousins, first cousins, second cousins, and cousins once removed, but I’m not sure I’m buying it – it’s just too confusing and even when someone explains it to you, it makes no sense. Seriously, in one ear and out the...
8 Missing Persons Cases That May Never Be Solved
If you’re a true crime buff (there are so many of us these days and I love it!) then you probably know that some of the most frustrating cases around are missing persons cases – people who just disappear without a trace. If you’re someone unlucky enough to find yourself in a firsthand experience with...