16 Legal – But Unethical – Ways To Get Rich Quick
Most of us will never know what it’s like to be rich. We hope that we’ll be comfortable, or we’ll get to a point where we’re not living paycheck-to-paycheck, we’ll be able to save some and not panic about unexpected expenses, but rich? That’s usually something you’re born into. Unless, of course, you don’t have...
16 People Muse On What Might Be Used As Currency In The Apocalypse
I think it’s high time we all accept that the apocalypse is coming, whether we’re prepared for it or not. Sure, we can continue to laugh at the preppers with their months of canned and dry food, weapons store, and ways to ensure clean drinking water, but when the s*%t goes down, whose houses are...
18 People Muse On Things That Would Be Infinitely Worse If You Couldn’t See Them
I don’t know about you, but if the number one thing on this list isn’t “spiders” then I’m calling foul. I mean, I suppose there are tons of things that could arguably be more dangerous if you couldn’t see them, but imagine feeling all of those legs run across you and not being able to...
17 Divorced People Share What They Saw As The Final Straw
Relationships are hard, and that goes double for marriages, when the pressure put on by that piece of paper, family expectations, and children can make a decision to go or stay tougher than ever. These 17 people made the choice to go, and if you’re curious what made them pull the trigger, they’re dishing on...
14 People Who Got Together With Someone After A Strange First Meeting
In this day and age it can seem as if everyone met in some boring way – either online or by having known each other for a very long time (like, since school). There are still other ways to meet, believe it or not, and personally, I’m a sucker for a good story. These 14...
17 People Confess A Time When They Realized Too Late They Were Being Creepy
Listen, I think that every single one of us has been caught being creepy here and there, whether we realized that’s what was happening or not. For me, I have a tendency to stare while my mind wanders, and even though I’m not looking at anyone in particular, it doesn’t seem that way, you know? These 17...
14 People Of Divorced Parents Recall The Worst Part Of Having Multiple Houses
While it’s not true that everyone who grew up in a two parent, single home household had a happy childhood – we all know there are people who stay in unhealthy relationships when they probably shouldn’t have – there are complications that are specific to people who grew up shuttled between parents. If you grew...
16 Children Of Divorce Reveal What The Rest Of Us Didn’t Understand
Everyone has a childhood that’s just a little bit different than the one next door, and no one can really understand what it’s like to grow up in your family except the other people who did. That said, there are some things that kids of divorced parents know that kids who grew up in a...
14 People Share How Their Medical Diagnosis Changed Their Life
No one goes into a doctor’s office expecting to hear the worst – that your life is going to be cut short by a terminal illness. Millions of people all over the world are faced with just that reality, though, and I imagine it can take some time to grapple with the harsh truth of...
15 People Share How They Live After Devastating Medical Information About Their Life
I can’t imagine there is much that’s harder in this life than hearing from a doctor that your life is not going to be as long as you would like it to be. We have friends, we have family, we have children, and all of the thoughts that go through your head are probably more...
16 People Talk About Daily Life With An Unthinkable Diagnosis
Life is hard enough without knowing when it’s going to end – or that you have less time available than most – but that’s the reality for many people out there living with a terminal diagnosis. Then again, maybe knowing your days are numbered makes you appreciate them just a little bit more? The only...
If Your Time Is Almost Up, How Do You Spend Your Days?
We could have a discussion for days as to whether or not it’s better to know or not when your days on this earth are coming to an end. Most of us don’t get to choose, in the end, and we all have to play the hand we’re dealt. These 17 people are all too...
10 People Who Get Cold Feet In Relationships Talk About Why
Relationships are full of ups and downs, of good days (and weeks and months and even years) and bad, and truth be told, you can never tell when, if, or how much things are going to change over time. These 10 people have recognized a pattern in themselves, though, and it’s all about cold feet...
11 People Dish On Why They Think They Get Cold Feet In Relationships
When it comes to relationships, everyone does it differently. It could be the way you’re made up, or your family life as a child, or experiences you’ve had along the way – most likely it’s some combination of all three – but each of us reacts to people and situations in a unique way. These...
10 People Own Up To How They Ruined A Marriage
Some people might have the idea that marriages are these infallible things that can only be felled by the people inside of them, but anyone who has been married knows that while there might be months or years when that is true, there are as many months or years when it’s not. These 10 people...