11 Kids Who 100% Embarrassed Their Parents In Public
Before I had kids, I remember an older cousin telling me that you never really know what it means to be embarrassed until you have kids – because they will embarrass you more than you’ve ever embarrassed yourself. I can now attest that this is 100% true, but at least people think kids are funny....
10 People Confess They’re Struggling To Live With Their Partner
I don’t think anyone would say that living with other human beings – whether you’re in love with them, related to them, or just rooming together – is in any way easy. Compromises have to be made, there are plenty of discussions to be had, and honestly, it can be one of the harder parts...
11 People Confess The Craziest Lies They Told Themselves
We’re all gullible sometimes, y’all. For most of us, it’s impossible to know everything about everything, and so we might believe something if we trust the source. We can find out later, of course, that what we were told and what we believe were total lies. It never feels great to realize we’ve been duped,...
11 Couples Confess Why They’re Giving An Open Relationship A Shot
Relationships are one of those things in life that you can never truly understand unless you’re inside of them yourself, and so I think that most of us try not to judge. If you can manage that, it can be interesting to hear how things work for other people (and how they don’t) – and...
Here’s What Goes Into Imitation Crab Meat
There might only be a few times in our lives when imitation crab meat comes into play – crab rangoon and California rolls come to mind – but if you have a curious mind, you might still spend some time wondering what’s in there, if not crab? It’s one of those labels that tells you...
People Talk About How Living With Their Significant Other Isn’t What They Expected
Falling in love with someone is one thing – you learn what you love, what you can deal with, and whether or not they’re worth giving up your time and attention to other areas of your life. Living with that person is something else entirely, as anyone who has ever moved in together can tell...
Couples Share The Reality Of A Long Distance Marriage
There are all kinds of reasons that people find themselves in long distance marriages – there are job opportunities that can’t be passed up, financial issues, kids who want to finish school in the same place, you name it. No matter how good your reasons, though, it can’t be easy – and these 11 couples...
10 Couples On Why They Think An Open Relationship Might Be For Them
When it comes to relationships, “different strokes for different folks” definitely applies. What works for one couple may not work for another, and honestly, as long as it does work for the people involved, it’s really none of our business. That said, if you’re someone who is thinking about exploring options in your own relationship, you...
These Images Might Make You Laugh And Get You Thinking
Listen, as long as you’re not hurting anyone, I am the last person who will judge the reasons you like to poke around the internet. People come looking for all kinds of things that make them happy – and apparently for some folks, it’s pictures that make them really question what on earth is going...
How A Happy Accident Gave Us The Cheese Curl
When you first eat a cheese curl (or a “puffy Cheeto” as we call them in our house), you’re not quite sure what’s happening. It tastes good, maybe, but your fingers are orange and your teeth need a brushing afterward, so…are they really worth it? After decades of love, I’m ready to say that for...
Fathers Share How They Think Parenting Was Different Before the Internet
I suspect that we’re all aware by now that the internet has its upsides and its downsides, and sometimes it can honestly be hard to tell which is which. If you’re a parent, then you definitely know that the internet can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s full of information on how...
Great Posts About Living With Our Beloved Pets
I don’t understand how people live without pets in their home. I mean, I know there are seasons of life when having pets is hard or doesn’t make sense, but a house just doesn’t feel like a home if there isn’t some fur flying around, you know? These 12 people definitely agree, and I, for...
People Confess What They Find Socially Unacceptable About Themselves
Even the people in this world who are super good at making friends, glad-handing, and otherwise thriving in social situations have at least one aspect of their personality the believe is better off kept hidden. The rest of us have a small arsenal of those things, which can make navigating social situations a bit harder,...
People Share The Downsides Of Working From Home
I don’t think we need to discuss all of the good things about working from home – you save money and time, you can work on a schedule that really works for your life, and without a commute, you’re able to spend more time with your family, partner, or on your hobbies. There’s nothing in...
People Share Their Deepest, Darkest Fears
Everyone in the world is afraid of something. If you’re not afraid of anything, I’d honestly have to wonder if you were all there mentally, because the world is big and scary. Still, different things frighten different people and it can be interesting to hear what freaks people out, don’t you think? If you’re curious, these...