These Tenants Are Dealing With Very Bad Landlords
If you’re still someone who expects to have a good experience with a landlord in your life, there’s a good chance you’re young, lucky, or both – because those of us who have been in the game for awhile know you’ve gotta keep those guys (and gals) on their toes. These 16 people have more...
These Doctors And Vets Are Very Loved By Their Patients
As much as we all want to believe that people who go into medicine – for animals or humans – are instinctively good at heart, I think we’ve all had a bad experience or two that indicates that’s not true across the board. These 14 doctors and vets are doing the good work, though, and...
People Share Messages That Help With Understanding About What It’s Like To Live With A Chronic Illness
Unless you are someone who lives with a chronic illness – or loves someone who does – it can be hard to really understand what it’s like. Your illness is invisible, and so you don’t get any of the automatic sympathy and accommodation of someone who is, say, in a wheelchair. It can be hard...
People Think These Games Are The Best Of All Time
It’s always tricky when you ask people to answer a “best” or “favorite” when it comes to something they love – I, for one, have never been able to pick a favorite movie or a favorite book when someone poses that question. These 16 gamers have thought about it, though, and they have answers for...
People Talk About Why They Think Being Kind Is The Way To Go
Every single day when we go out into the world (physically or virtually), we have a choice of how we’re going to interact with the people around us. We can choose to be huffy, short, and rude – or we can choose to give people grace until they show us that they don’t deserve it....
People Relay What They Consider Very Good Advice
People love to give advice. All the time, unsolicited or otherwise, and sometimes it can be hard to figure out whether or not it’s actually good and applicable advice or something you might as well forget as soon as you hear it. These 18 people swear by these pieces of advice, though, so take a...
Non-Americans And The Questions They Have About Things In The States
I think that it’s totally normal to have questions about cultures we didn’t grow up in or are completely unfamiliar with – our world views are set from a young age, of course, and it can be hard to imagine something different. That said, people who don’t live in the States have a lot of questions...
People Share Their Very Favorite, Lesser-Known Websites
You could spent a literal lifetime trying to check out every last website on the internet and still die before you made it – and that’s even if they stopped making new ones today. So, we all need a little help finding the best and most useful sites out there sometimes, right? If you’re interested...
A Brief Lesson In Not Insulting Strangers…Because They Just Might Be Your Boss
I’m from the Midwest, so my general rule of thumb is not to go around insulting anyone if I don’t have to, but certainly to be as polite as possible to people I don’t know from Adam. Other people don’t put much stock in kindness and patience, I guess, which is how we end up...
Is It Wrong To Expect To Split A Bill On A First Date?
Dating can be a minefield, and that seems especially true these days when people meet online, talk for awhile, and essentially find themselves out in person with a perfect stranger. Sure, people were always technically strangers, but in the good ol’ days you often at least knew each other’s friends or family and could rely...
Was This Teacher Wrong To Tell Her Student “I Don’t Care?”
When we think of the good teachers of the world – the ones who put in extra time and care, who go above and beyond, and who would do almost anything to see their students succeed – we probably think of the word “care.” Sometimes, though, we know that working with kids means telling them...
Guy Doesn’t Think He Has To Try Food At A Hosted Dinner. Is He Wrong?
I’m pretty sure that most of us were raised by parents who let us know that it’s rude to complain about food you didn’t prepare, and told us that if we were eating in someone else’s house we needed to try the food regardless of whether or not it was typically our favorite fare. This...
Are Women Allowed To Wear Dresses Even When They Didn’t Shave?
Most of the time I try to stay neutral on these r/AmITheA$$hole posts until the end, but y’all, I need to warn you to brace yourselves for what you’re about to read. If you have triggers that include child abuse or sexual abuse, you want to proceed with extra caution. This post was written by...
People Share What It’s Like Planning A Wedding When Family Doesn’t Approve
As someone of a certain age, I don’t think I could ever (now) marry someone that my friends and family disapproved of (as long as the reasons weren’t racist, homophobic, xenophobic, et al, of course). What I’ve learned with age is that it’s much easier to see the problems in a relationship from the outside,...
Pixar’s Attention To Detail Was Off The Charts And Here Are Some Examples
If you’re even a casual fan of Pixar then you know that they don’t waste one single moment of any of their movies. Every detail is planned and executed with thought and meaning behind it, and fans delight in searching out all of the “easter eggs” they can find. That said, even the most avid...