
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

Employee Shares Story About a “Karen” Who Wanted Fresh Donuts “Straight From the Oil”

Guys, if you’ve never worked in a job where you have to deal with customers – real human beings – face-to-face multiple times a shift, I’m not sure you’ll ever understand how frustrating it can be to smile through the pain. If you have, then you’ll feel the grief of this donut shop employee who...

Woman Recalls the Stranger Who Saved Her from a Creep on the Subway, and the Internet Applauds

A woman on Reddit recently recounted a terrifying story – one where a creepy guy was following her for blocks, only to get on the same subway car she did and proceed to loom over her. He was saying gross and rude things and wouldn’t take a hint, causing her to get more and more...

Guy Wonders Whether He Should Lie About His Mothers to Keep the Peace

There are a lot of bigots in this world, my friends. Too many, if we’re being completely frank, and it can be frustrating (to put it mildly) when those of us who are openminded and cool with not inserting ourselves into other people’s business get put in a position where we’re asked to lie just...

Teenager Wonders if She’s Wrong to Ask Her Stepmother to Control Her Kids

Navigating family relationships as a teenager can be hard no matter your living situation – in fact, it almost always is. The normal issues between teens, parents, and siblings can be exacerbated when blended families come into play, particularly if the blending is recent or happened later in their youth. This girl is 17 and...

Why You Shouldn’t Eat The “Clean” Part Of Your Moldy Bread

There are two types of people in this world – people who throw out their milk a day before the date stamped on it, not even bothering to give it a sniff and people who will drink it until it smells and/or tastes sour. If you’re the former type, you probably don’t need to read...

Is It Wrong To Tell Someone Their Dog’s Name Is Silly?

As someone with children, I can promise you there are two types of people when it comes to picking out names for the small beings in our care – people who take that responsibility very seriously and really think about it before they pull the trigger, and people who think it’s a lark to choose...

11 People Tweet Bits of Very Good Advice We All Should Consider

I’m not sure anyone likes getting unsolicited advice on how to life their life (especially from their parents), but there’s no denying that people who have lived long and hard and well often have wisdom worth imparting to those who are still coming up the ranks. So, if you’re in need of a bit (or...

15 Things That Are Surprisingly Safe for Human Consumption

As humans, I think sometimes we eat a lot of things that we really shouldn’t. As the mother of toddlers, I absolutely know this is true – and as someone who has made more than one call to poison control, I also know for sure that there aren’t as many things that can kill us...

17 Ex-Convicts Recall the Worst Thing They Saw a Guard Do While in Prison

Life behind bars is something you can only understand if you’ve lived it, and those of us who haven’t harbor a bit of a morbid curiosity about what it’s like. So when someone on Reddit asked the ex-convicts among them to share the worst memory they had of a guard while they were behind bars,...

11 Animals Proving We Don’t Deserve Them

I’m not sure that most people – or anyone in their right mind – would argue that we deserve animals in any way, shape, or form. They are so pure, so adorable, so loving, and so loyal even when we don’t deserve it that it brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it....

People Debate Whether Or Not It’s Cool To Discuss Salaries At Work

There’s been a push lately that’s related to a larger discussion around equal pay, and it suggests that there’s too much secrecy around how much people make for the same or similar jobs. Until now, salary has been one of those things people are trained to keep to themselves, because it’s personal or they don’t...

These 9-1-1 Operators Recall Their Funniest Calls

I imagine that there’s quite a bit about being a 9-1-1 operator that’s pretty tough to deal with. You’re the person who gets the call when a stranger is scared, hurt, or both, and getting help to them while you keep them on the line has to be nothing short of extremely stressful. It’s a...

15 People Recall a Moment They Knew They Had to Get Out of There Right Away

Humans might be pretty far removed from our days living among the animals in the wilds (relatively speaking), but that doesn’t mean all of our instincts have faded into the night. We still get the chills, we still sense when things aren’t completely right, and most of us get a spidey sense that tells us...

16 People Discuss Unassuming Hobbies That Definitely Have a Dark Side

When you think about hobbies like beekeeping or collecting Disney pins, you probably assume the people who get super into it are sweet or maybe hippies, but who definitely just want the best for everyone involved. While that may be true of the bulk of the people in any given hobby, there are dark sides...

13 Good People Who Are Remembered as Villains

For most of us, our reputations in this life reflect our actions. We do good, people assume we’re good, and the opposite is equally true. There have been plenty of moments throughout history, though, when unfair or flat-out wrong assumptions are made, and because of media and public opinion and history books being written by...