
Animals & Nature

Company Creates a Hidden Cat Maze Bed Frame Cat Owners Will Love

Cats make fantastic pets. They’re cute and cuddly, don’t need to be taken outside to use the restroom, and as a bonus, they keep pesky mice out of the home. However, they can also be a pain when it comes to keeping the furniture in good condition. Unless trained otherwise, cats will dig their claws...

A Quick Rundown on the Care and Feeding of Popular Monsters

If you’re thinking about procuring a mythological monster for your next rescue pet, chances are you have some questions about what that might entail. What sort of bed might a hellhound enjoy? What does a Sphinx eat, and when (and how)? And dragons…those questions could go on for days. Before you purchase any pet for...

14 of the Most Mischievous Cats on the Internet

Cats. We love them. We care for them them. And sometimes, we’re at war with them. If you’ve ever known a cat, you’ll understand how mischievous they can be. Behind those adorable eyes lies a cunning mind, and a predator’s instinct, waiting to pounce. These 14 cats are some of the most mischievous cats on...

16 Animals Reimagined Based on Their Skulls Are Horrifying and Hilarious

Much of what we know about the dinosaurs, and really any creatures that existed long before we were born, comes from the artifacts we’ve found documenting their existence: mainly, bones and fossils. From these bones and fossils paleontologists have been able to reconstruct skeletons of dinosaurs, extinct animals, even early humanoids. We know what they...

This Woman Makes Tiny Gardens in Her Yard and They’re Pretty Great

I’m ready for some good, wholesome, interesting content right about now, are you? I sure hope so, because you’re about to get it! Meet Réka Elekes, a woman who I think is using her quarantine time very wisely. She has been making miniature plant gardens at home and they are simply delightful! Elekes calls them...

People Imagine How Aliens Would Reconstruct 13 Animals Based on Their Skulls

Have you ever wondered what alien life forms might think of the planet Earth if they stumbled across her and found only remnants of life on her surface? Apparently quite a few people have. In this latest meme trend, we imagine what aliens might picture if they had to reconstruct these 14 animals based only...

13 Sailors Share All the Crazy Stuff They’ve Seen at Sea

Sailing is one of those professions that either sounds very romantic or very awful, depending on your affinity for the sea. Regardless of whether or not you’d actually go get your own sea legs, you’ve got to be at least a little bit curious about what’s out there, right? I know I am, and these...

15 Sailors Share the Strangest Things They’ve Seen at Sea

I feel like this is kind of a loaded question, because non-sailors are probably hoping for stories about mermaids or giant octopi or something of the sort...just me? If you’re curious what’s really out there on the surface of Earth’s last great frontier, these 16 experienced sailors have some stories to pass along. 15. How rude!...