These Artificial Glaciers Are Helping Hydrate the Himalayas
You might have heard that the world’s glaciers are disappearing. Climate change is warming the globe and causing the ice in the Arctic – and, to some extent, the Antarctic – to melt into the ocean. The effects are wide and far-reaching, and while we hear mostly about the concerns for people in low-lying, coastal...
Should You Use A Bug Zapper in Your Yard?
Summer is a great time to be outside with your family, and especially if you have young kids, you probably find yourself spending tons of time in the great outdoors. Love it or hate it, if it burns off dog or human energy, it’s the place to be! Most of us enjoy the bugs that...
The Arctic Circle Is Owned by 8 Countries, and 4 More Facts About our Northernmost Polar Circle
Geographers define the Arctic Circle as everything at or above 66 degrees and 34 minutes north latitude -more simply, anything between the 66th and 67th parallels in the Northern Hemisphere. The Arctic Circle keeps strange hours, with the entire winter being more or less dark and other times of the year being sunny all the...
The World’s Deepest Underwater Trench, and 5 Other Facts About the Pacific Ocean’s “Ring of Fire”
There’s nothing quite as fascinating as the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean. We have no idea what’s down there, for one, and the mythology and lore surrounding spots like the “ring of fire” in the Pacific are enough to pique anyone’s curiosity. The “ring of fire” is a vast loop of volcanoes, trenches, and...
You Can Pedal Through California’s Ancient Redwood Forest on a Railbike
When most people start to make a bucket list of places to visit in the United States, the national parks – and the giant, majestic redwoods in particular – often find their way onto the list. How could they not? Standing among those huge, ancient trees makes a person feel small in the best possible...
Get the Tissues Ready and Read This Woman’s Touching Obituary for Her Dog
People who have loved – and lost – a dog know our pets are family. When they pass, we grieve, and the process can be just as intense, and last just as long, as the one that follows the loss of a human companion. Dogs are pure, their love is unconditional, we know we don’t...
These People Got Pup a Step Stool So He Can Chat With Neighbor Dogs Over Garden Wall
There are a couple of adorable, svelte, very good bois on the internet called Vito and Bambino. As they’re Great Danes, these pups have no problem surveying their kingdom beyond the confines of their garden, since they can easily stand on their hind legs and look over the wall. When they got new neighbors, though,...
Elephants Are Firefighters and 9 Other Memorable Facts About the Grey Giants
To know about elephants is to love them – they share strong family bonds, they’re crazy smart, and they’re way nicer to humans than we deserve (as is true of most animals) – and after reading these 9 facts, you’re going to adore them even more. These gentle giants are around 10 feet tall and...