

11 Pictures That Prove Winter Is Beautiful, Too

Here’s the thing. I don’t think that most of us would disagree that winter is lovely to look at…as long as you don’t have a reason to be out in it. And sadly, for most of us, that’s not often an option. Still, if you like looking at pretty pictures and want to remember that...

12 Images That Might Make You Appreciate The Snowfall A Bit More

I know there are people out there who love winter the very most. There might not be very many of them, but surely they exist. For the rest of us, winter is something we deal with and try to have a good attitude about (mostly failing) while we freeze and dig out our cars and...

14 Of The Best Literal Responses To Photoshopping Requests Online

We’ve all looked at a picture we have and wished we could tweak it a little after the fact. Maybe a slip is showing, maybe we don’t like our shoes or our hair, maybe we’ve had a falling out or a breakup with someone else in the image… Thanks to Photoshop and people who are...

14 People Who Probably Won’t Regret Their Creative First Tattoos

Like most of the choices we make when we’re young, our picks for our first tattoos can sometimes be a little hit or miss. We might love both the tattoo and the memory for years to come, or as we grow and mature (and get our next, better tattoo) we might have some regrets. That...

14 People Talk About What They Do to Escape Reality

I have a few things I like to do to escape reality. I love to read and get totally lost in books. I enjoy watching hockey to unwind. And, like a lot of folks, movies and TV shows are a good way to get away from it all for a few hours. What do you...

What Do You Do to Escape Reality? Here’s What People Said.

We all need to escape reality sometimes. And everyone has their favorite things that make them forget about all the actual worries and responsibilities of their lives for a while. And I bet you do, too! Folks on AskReddit opened up about what they do to escape reality. Let’s see what they had to say....

18 Times People Just Had to Share What They Found in Secondhand Books

There are many reasons people buy secondhand books: maybe they don’t live near a library, or they read too fast to buy them full price, or they enjoy a good deal. But one of those reasons will always be that reading someone else’s book can be like a little glimpse into their life. And for...

10 Tattoo Makeovers That Will Make You Forget The Originals Existed

If you’ve ever gotten a tattoo and realized shortly afterward that you weren’t happy with it – the design, the choice, the execution, what have you – you know the unique pain of having something less than ideal permanently stamped on your body. Luckily, there are tattoo artists out there who are amazingly talented and...