

What Controversies Have People Forgotten About? Here’s What People Said.

We now live in a world where we’re bombarded by information and news 24 hours a day so it can be hard to keep up with things that happened just last week… And plenty of scandals and controversies fade from public view in a heartbeat. So that’s why we’re going to get some refreshers today...

One Of The First Computer “Bugs” Was A Literal Bug

Did you ever wonder where the term “computer bug” came from? I’m not sure I ever have, but if I did, I don’t think I would have believed anyone who tried to tell me it was due to an actual critter in a computer! It turns out though that’s probably not what inspired the term,...

15 People Detail Historical Events That Would Make Great Movies

It has been pointed out (regularly and with prejudice) that Hollywood seems to be out of original ideas. There are a lot of remakes and re-imaginings, along with sequels and prequels, but as far as original films, they seem to be few and far between. If any producers out there are looking for ideas, the...

What Do You Not Want to Know About? Here’s What People Had to Say About This.

We live in a world today where pretty much everything we’d ever want to know is right at our fingertips…but there are still some things that each of us doesn’t want to know about. For example, I know that I can’t and won’t watch any of those animal cruelty videos that many vegetarian and vegan...

If You Went to Prison in the Future, What Do You Think It Would Be For? People Responded.

First of all, let’s say a special prayer and hope that none of us ever have to go to prison. Or if you’ve already been there, that you never have to go back. Okay, now that we have that out of the way, let’s play a game! If you were to go to prison in...

12 People Talk About Things They Just Don’t Want to Know About

If you’re anything like me, there are just some things in life you don’t ever, ever want to know about. I won’t go into details, but I’m talking about EXTREMELY dark things that expose the worst parts of humanity. And that stuff is out there if you want to find it… What do you definitely...

14 Bits Of History People Think Would Make Brilliant Films

As something of a history buff myself, I can promise you that true life is stranger – and often more intriguing and entertaining – than fiction. There’s a reason that some of our favorite films of all time are based on true events, and it’s that you can never come up with crazier events than...

12 People Talk About What Was Normal in the 1990s but Isn’t Now

So the famous rappers wore huge pants that made it look like they had parachutes on their bottom halves? That’s just the way we rolled back then! And in case you don’t know who I’m referring to, it’s M.C. Hammer and Vanilla Ice… But those days are long gone, my friends. And that’s why the...