17 Things Humans Have Always Done The Exact Same Way
I think this is an interesting question because lately, most of our talk is about how far humans have come in such a relatively short time. How much we’ve evolved, how quickly our society has advanced, and just generally how much things have changed in just a couple of generations. There are some things that...
15 Human Practices That Really Haven’t Changed
Since the beginning of human civilization, obviously a lot has changed. We’ve evolved, we’ve invented things that have changed the course of history, we’ve waged wars that threatened to destroy it. Cultures have shifted and immigration has brought us together (and driven us apart). There’s no arguing that human life today looks nothing like it did...
What Industry Will You Not Miss if It Goes Away? Here’s What People Said.
If we’re being honest, there are probably a lot of industries that could go the way of the dodo and no one would really miss them all that much. But we’re here to get specific today! So take a look at what AskReddit users had to say about this and we’ll see you in the...
10 Historical Facts You Won’t Be Sorry You’ve Learned
There are never enough Twitter accounts – or social media accounts in general – that share interesting facts about history, archaeology, and the like. At least, not if you ask me. And I must not be alone, because whenever an account pops up that shares great facts, it never takes long for them to amass...
17 Hyped Products That Turned Out To Be Huge, Embarrassing Failures
When an advertising and marketing machine really gets behind a new property or product, it does its job well – we all get hyped up, we look forward to its release, and sometimes we even stand in line in the middle of the night. Even though we’ve been burned on more than one occasion, as...
12 People Tell Stories About When They Witnessed Pure Evil
Have you ever seen something truly evil happen? I’m talking about something that made your skin crawl and made you question whether the human race is redeemable on any level? Yeah, it’s not fun, is it? So when did you witness pure evil? Here’s how people responded on AskReddit. 1. Prison. “Women’s prison. A young...
14 Eerie And Off-Limits Spots People Would Love To See Up Close
The world is full of interesting and historical places and listen…some of them aren’t exactly on the beaten path. Some of them aren’t even open to visitors, but that doesn’t stop people from dying to see them with their own two eyes. These 14 people have some specific ideas of eerie and cool spots they’d...
10 People Share Cool Photos Of Things Worn Down By Time And The Elements
It’s easy to think of the modern world as timeless. We don’t want to think about how fragile our existence is, or how many generations of things and people have come before us that are now nothing but dust and bones. Sometimes, though, we run across images of just that that can’t be denied, and...