People Imagine How Aliens Would Reconstruct 13 Animals Based on Their Skulls
Have you ever wondered what alien life forms might think of the planet Earth if they stumbled across her and found only remnants of life on her surface? Apparently quite a few people have. In this latest meme trend, we imagine what aliens might picture if they had to reconstruct these 14 animals based only...
15 Terrifying Incidents That Happened in Broad Daylight
When we think of scary and harrowing events, we often picture them happening in the dead of night. Maybe the person is somewhere they shouldn’t have been, or they made some choices that made it easier for the bad thing to find them. We know that’s not true (right?). Bad things can happen any time,...
Why the U.S. Sells Liters of Soda, But Gallons of Milk
If there’s one thing the United States has made famous – other than an individualism so fierce we will cling to it even when it’s literally killing us – it’s cobbling things together and somehow making them work. Our system of weights and measures is a perfect example. It’s sort of metric but mostly not,...
Why Your Mother Really Made You Take Your Elbows Off the Table
“Peter, Peter strong and able, get your elbows off the table.” If your parents or grandparents repeated this rhyme at your dinner table ad nauseum, or at least until you finally remembered that you weren’t supposed to eat your food while propping yourself up with your elbows, you’re definitely not alone. It’s considered poor manners to eat...
People Share the “Normal” Things People Did in the 80s and 90s That Are Frowned Upon Now
Looking back, there are quite a few things that we did in the 80s and 90s that would drop people’s jaws – I mean, the amount of hairspray we shot into the ozone alone is enough to terrorize a modern day, eco-conscious teen. If nostalgia is your bag, these 17 recollections of what was totally...
13 Clever Memes for the Naughty Intellectuals Out There
If you’re an academic-minded person with a dark sense of humor, you might get a kick out of these 13 clever memes for the roguish intellectual. A little bit naughty, a little bit irreverent, just enough nerdiness for the scholarly mind. Even if you don’t consider yourself particularly brainy, these memes will give you a good...
Scientists Have Discovered a Giant Drawing of a 2000-Year-Old Peruvian Cat
Cat lovers, listen up – scientists have more proof that your affinities may stretch back thousands of years into human history around the globe. The Nazca lines are a collection of huge drawings etched into the Nazca desert, located in Peru. The drawings were done between 500 BCE and 500 CE by carving depressions into...
Vikings Didn’t Wear Helmets With Horns, and 4 Other Myths That Just Aren’t True
It seems like there are some historical cultures that have fascinated a bulk of human beings since we started studying history. The Macedonians, the Romans, the Huns, the Mayans, pirates of all sorts, and, of course, the Vikings. If we believe Hollywood, they were all fair-haired and fierce, born with swords in their hands, they...