

14 Brilliant Illustrations of ‘Realistic’ Disney Characters

So many of us grow up watching Disney movies and fantasizing about the lives we’d lead if we were a Disney princess or prince. Life would be nothing but beautiful gowns, fighting the forces of evil, falling in love, and happily ever after. But Photoshop artist Andhika Muksin has flipped the script and reimagined what...

18 Vintage Wrestling Memes for When You’re Feeling Nostalgic

Sweaty bodies flying through the air. Flashy costumes. Muscular men putting other muscular men into intricate chokeholds, or flipping them onto the arena floor. The truth is, I’ve never watched pro wrestling in my life, but now that I’ve seen these 18 vintage wrestling memes, I want to. If you’re a long-time fan of pro...

People are Loving This Floor Routine by UCLA Gymnast Nia Dennis

I have to admit… I find gymnastics immensely impressive and absolutely terrifying. These people are literally putting their body on the line to fly through the air at breakneck speeds to show just how far the human body’s limits can be pushed. Still, with all of that danger and craziness, gymnastics sometimes can seem a...

The Real Life Science Behind The Mandalorian’s Baby Yoda

Just like the rest of the internet, we’re absolutely obsessed with “Baby Yoda.” The Mandalorian has given the Star Wars franchise a new lease on life, and little Grogu (that’s his real name) is a huge part of that revival. How could he not be? He’s just so freaking adorable. Even Werner Herzog cried when...

50 Years Ago Oregon Blew up a Dead Whale on Live TV and the Internet Will Never Forget

Fifty years ago Oregon had a “whale of a problem” explained reporter Paul Linnman. In November of 1970, a 45-ft, 8-ton whale carcass washed ashore in Florence, OR just 60 miles west of Eugene and the nearest beach town. It had been so long since a whale washed ashore, none of the locals remembered exactly...

What Unrealistic Things in Movies Drive You Nuts? Here’s What People Said.

The couple always ends up together in the end. The bad guy always gets it in the end. The underdog always wins. The things listed above are all examples of things that happen all the time in movies and are totally unrealistic. You know it’s true! And some of these unrealistic Hollywood conventions really drive...

People Discuss the Unrealistic Things in Movies That Really Annoy Them

As a movie lover, I’m well aware that there are TONS of things that happen in films that are just…well…ridiculous… And sometimes those things can really get on our nerves! AskReddit users went on the record and shared the unrealistic things in movies that drive them crazy. Let’s take a look! 1. Unrealistic. “Unrealistic wealth....

Hilarious Tweets From Celebrities We Think You’ll Enjoy

It’s always nice to find out that some celebrities, although they are rich and famous, still have a good sense of humor. Hey, you might think that it would all go out the window after they hit the big time, but these high-profile folks prove on Twitter that they are really funny! And we’re here...