

She Turned off a Movie Halfway Through and Upset Her Boyfriend. Was She a Jerk?

My philosophy in life is that if your significant other picks a movie and you’re not into it, you grin and bear it…and you lie and say you loved it. It just makes life a little bit more bearable! But that is not what happened here, my friends… Check out this story and see if...

What’s Always Depicted the Wrong Way in Movies and TV Shows? Here’s What People Said.

As a big hockey fan, I have to say that the movie Goon really blew it in one aspect in my opinion: the main character who likes to brawl on the ice could barely skate. I’m not talking about being a bad skater, but could barely stand up. And there’s NO WAY that would happen even on...

12 People Share What They Think Is Always Depicted the Wrong Way in Movies and TV Shows

I love movies but boy, do they get a lot of things wrong, or what? I’m speaking the truth and you know it! And today we’re going to hear from folks on AskReddit users about what they think is always portrayed the wrong way in movies and TV shows. Take a look! 1. No problem!...

What Non-Horror Film Scares the Hell Out of You? Here’s What People Said.

There are a lot of movies out there that ARE NOT horror flicks that really scare the hell out of people. The first time I saw Apocalypto? Wooo, boy! That movie is terrifying and my heart was beating a million miles per hour! Also, have you ever seen Mean Girls? Yikes… Let’s hear from folks on AskReddit...

There’s a Solar-Powered Baby Yoda Dashboard Companion That Waves When Exposed to Light

Call me crazy, but I have a feeling about this product… I have a feeling that you’re gonna buy AT LEAST one of them… Because there are certain brands and characters that grab hold of the public’s imagination and never let go. What the heck am I talking about? I’m talking about a solar-powered Grogu...

What’s Something a Younger Person Wouldn’t Understand if You Told Them? Here’s What People Said.

I said something about dial-up Internet to my 15-year-old niece recently and she looked at me like I was from Mars. Whoops, sorry! I forgot that you were born in 2007 and I’m sorry I bothered you! Kids today… AskReddit users talked about something they could say that younger people wouldn’t understand. 1. It was...

7 Interesting Facts About “Jurassic Park”

A new Jurassic Park movie just hit theaters, but you have to go all the way back to the summer of 1993 to revisit the original film in the franchise. The first film was a huge hit and it still holds a special place in the hearts of many people. Here are 10 interesting facts about that...

What Do Most People Love That You Can’t Stand? Here’s What People Said.

Let’s not beat around the bush here… A lot of people out there have…bad taste…in just about everything. And today we’re gonna hear from folks on AskReddit about what they can’t stand that everyone else seems to love. Let’s take a look! 1. Not gonna happen! “Having my picture taken and being told to “smile...