

A Thread on Why Vampires Are Probably Not Lurking Deep in the Sea

Say what you will about social media, but it’s ability to get into discussions you really never imagined – and never realized how much you needed in your life – is definitely a plus. Like this one about vampires, for example. It began with someone asking why there couldn’t be supremely lazy vamps who don’t...

You Could Get Paid $30 an Hour to Taste Candy

In news that would have literally taken your breath away as a small child, there are people out there who are like, professional candy-tasters. That’s right. It’s a real job to taste candy and tell the makers which ones are the best, which ones could use work, and how. If that sounds like a dream...

This is the World’s First Diamond Within a Diamond

I hope we all know by now that diamonds really aren’t special, or worth a ton, or rare in any way at all. The entire industry was created – and remains propped up – by jewelry companies like DeBeers, who started the craze of needing a flawless and expensive diamond ring before you dared get...

16 Colorblind People Recall the Most Unexpected Hurdle They’ve Faced

I think it’s interesting to get a peek behind the curtain of other people’s lives, and even more so when it’s an aspect of living that I’ll never experience for myself. Don’t get me wrong; I’m glad I can see a full range of colors. That said, it’s fascinating to hear what it’s like to not...

12 Memes for Those of Us Who Don’t Feel Like Working Today

Some days we wake up, and the prospect of going to work seems impossible. It’s raining. It’s only Tuesday. There’s a client we just DON’T want to deal with today. And yet, to work we must go. But that doesn’t mean we can’t commiserate about it. If you’re fantasizing about playing hookey, here are 12...

This Person Wants to Know if Their Joke About Only Eating Apples Went Too Far

Apples are my favorite fruit and I like the idea of making a joke about it, but I would never pull the kind of prank I’m about to tell you about. Judging by the comments, a lot of other people are also not fans of what this person did to their friends, but a lot...

These 12 Design Fails Are So Bad, They’re Good

Sometimes, something is so bad, it’s good. And sometimes, it’s just…so, so bad. These 12 design fails could go either way. Poorly worded signs and incomprehensible designs, or laughable typos and innovative infrastructure? We’ll let you be the judge. 1. “Don’t…you…so…” “Live in your thoughts?” What IS this? 2. Re-designing human hands now, are we?...

13 Comical Design Failures that Were Doomed from the Start

There are no stupid ideas… …when you’re brainstorming. When it’s time to put plans into action, some plans are certainly better than others. These 13 comical design failures probably never should have made it past the brainstorming phase. 1. Banana sheath: Keeps the germs off. Unfortunately, they still bruise. 2. *sigh* It could have been...