21 People Muse On What They Would Rename Earth If They Were In Charge
It’s kind of crazy how long ago the planets were named and how no one has really challenged those names, don’t you think? I mean, the world has changed quite a bit since the 18th century, and yet here we are, all referencing Roman gods and goddesses on a daily basis like it’s totally natural....
25 People Tell The Internet What They’re Thinking About Right Now
There are so many ways we ask people what they’re thinking. We ask “what’s on your mind” or “a penny for your thoughts” when we actually, really want to hear what someone in our lives is pondering at any given moment. Well, sometimes the internet genuinely wants to know, too, and when Reddit asked, these...
What Did You Do the Night of December 31, 1999? People Shared Their Stories.
If you aren’t old enough to remember, the lead-up to 2000 was filled with all kinds of paranoia and theories about how haywire everything was going to go. And I think most people probably remember where they were and what they did that night. I was in Colorado visiting a friend who was a ski...
Here’s Why Some Parking Lots Are Straight And Others Aren’t
Maybe you’ve never driven around looking for a parking space in a busy downtown and wondered why sometimes the lines are painted straight and other times they go at an angle. If you haven’t though, I bet you are now. Like most things in design, architecture, and city planning, there’s a logic that goes into...
18 People Share Their Favorite Crazy Statistic
We all know that statistics can be manipulated and applied in different ways and should always be taken with a grain of salt, right? Now that we’ve got that out of the way, can we also talk about how they can be super fun? You’ll definitely have no choice but to agree after you check...
These 15 Hotel Housekeepers Have Seen Some, Um, Interesting Things
Every single person who has worked or does work in the service industry has some pretty amazing stories to tell. Working with the public is just that way, because people are people and some days, dealing with them is really a lot. So, if you dare, scroll through the self-confessed weirdest discoveries of these 15...
26 People Share Uses for Common Products That You Might Not Be Aware Of
I never realized until the last year how many different uses gasoline has. I mean, besides putting it in my car and making it drive…but I’m assuming you already know about that… The point is, that a lot of products we use can be used for all kinds of different stuff. What are some uses...
19 People Muse About What “Useless” Thing They Would Buy If They Won The Lotto
I think that most of us have fallen into the trap of imagining ourselves winning the lottery at one time or another, even if we don’t even play the lottery on any kind of a regular basis. It’s a fantasy, you know? What would you buy with a bunch of cash? What would be your splurge,...