The (Possibly) True Story of the Fastest Moving Manmade Object Ever That’s (Probably) in Space (Maybe)
Science nerds are some of the best people, mostly because they usually have an innate curiosity about how the world works, and they love exploring new questions and ideas. Recently, one person wondered what the record for the fastest-moving manmade object is… and then decided to research the topic until they found the answer. Because...
An Awesome Set of Interesting Facts We Really Love
We could all use a little pep in our step today, considering the state of the world and the constant flow of bad news that we see on TV and online. One way we think we can help you out is with some really great facts! We’ll stimulate your mind and make you forget about...
Arrogant Boss Lasts for Only One Day After Crossing a Hard Working IT Guy
Just because you’re in a position of authority doesn’t mean being arrogant will go over well, especially if the people working on your project don’t work directly for the company to begin with. A Redditor tells the story of one such boss, who came to the company he was doing some independent contracting for. When...
This Psycho Boss Turns Against Productive Employee and It Doesn’t Turn Out Well
No matter what you do, you can’t win with some employers. We’ve all had bosses who we thought were happy with us, but out of nowhere, showed us they weren’t and that we were expendable after all. This Redditor tells the tale of an employer who did just this. She accepted a high-ranking position with...
A Chess Analogy Shows the Difference Between Expertise and Common Sense
In 2020, we see it every day—when a scientific explanation, based on years of research by skilled people, is offered as a reason for something, someone, somewhere chimes in that they know that explanation is untrue—their common sense tells them so. How do you argue that point with someone who feels so strongly in their...
These Food Service Workers Share Stories of Hilariously Awful Customers
Working with customers is often harrowing for people in the service sector, especially for those who work in the restaurant industry. When a food service worker posted a story about a customer’s over-the-top response to a hamburger, he didn’t expect the deluge of replies from other restaurant workers who’ve had to deal with nonsensical requests...
15 People Share Lesser-Known Secondary Uses for Everyday Products
It’s always great when you can learn to use a household item in a new and exciting way, isn’t it? Well, maybe if you didn’t necessarily feel that way BEFORE you started reading this article, I have a pretty good feeling that you’ll be in that mindset after you read through these responses about great...
People Talk About Different Ways You Can Use Everyday Products
Life hacks are good no matter what. I think we can all agree on that, right? See that wrench? Here’s another use for it! Those knitting needles? Use them for this as well! The possibilities are pretty endless for what we can use everyday items for, to be honest with you. And we’re about to...