

17 People Dream About What They Would Blow Their Lotto Winnings On If They Had Them

Most of us will never know what it feels like to come into a windfall of cash the way you do when you win the lottery – but that doesn’t stop us from dreaming, right? We all spend time planning what we would do with a bunch of free money, though, and I would venture...

20 People Share The Cool Facts They Really Love

There are an infinite number of cool facts in the world. Of course what makes something cool to you is fairly subjective, though I think we can all agree that some facts are more universally interesting than others. These 20 people have some favorite facts they just love to share, so take a look and...

12 Solutions That Prove That ‘It’s Not Stupid If It Works’

Sometimes experts are the best people for the job, but sometimes, absolutely clueless people can solve problems, too. Hence the common saying: “If it’s stupid and it works, it’s not stupid.” A Reddit user asked the site for examples of this phenomenon in action. Some of the responses are impressively stupid indeed, but hey, they...

17 Facts People Love So Much They Can’t Help But Share

There are as many facts in the world as there are types of facts, but when you ask people to share their favorite “cool” fact, you’re bound to get a bunch of amazing responses. Some you might have heard, others might be new to you, but no matter what, we think these 17 facts are...

15 Things That Are Surprisingly Safe for Human Consumption

As humans, I think sometimes we eat a lot of things that we really shouldn’t. As the mother of toddlers, I absolutely know this is true – and as someone who has made more than one call to poison control, I also know for sure that there aren’t as many things that can kill us...

20 People Share Their Supernatural Experiences Are Pretty Hard to Explain

Full disclosure: I’m an empiricist skeptic. I don’t believe in the supernatural, and I think that most things we attribute to it can be boiled down to the uncertain nature of memory, emotional experience, and good ol’ fashioned coincidence. BUT. I’d be absolutely lying to you if I told you I didn’t get a few...

16 People Nominate Their Choice To Represent Humanity To The Aliens

I think we all kind of assume that we’re going to encounter alien life at some point in the future (if we haven’t already), but there are about a dozen ways that meeting could go down. If the aliens showed up all peaceful like, though, and just asked for a meeting, who should we send?...

How One Woman Reacted to Seeing a Negative $50 Billion Balance in Her Bank Account

Most of us have had to live paycheck-to-paycheck at some point in our lives, and if you have, you know that sinking feeling you can get just logging into your bank account. I can actually not imagine the panic that would ensue, however, if the balance that came up was negative $50 billion dollars. I...