What Slogans Would Top Brands Have If They Were Brutally Honest?
Now, this will be a fun little exercise that all of us can enjoy! This interesting question was posed to folks online: “What Slogans Would Top Brands Have If They Were Brutally Honest?” You just know these responses are gonna be a lot of fun. Let’s see what the good people from AskReddit had to...
Employee Excuses That Sounded Totally Ridiculous but Ended up Being True
I swear, the dog ate my homework! When you get older, some of the excuses you tell your boss are basically the equivalent of that story that has become legendary for kids in school. But sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction and the stories that sound totally outrageous really did happen. “What was an excuse an...
Bosses Discuss Excuses From Employees They Thought Were BS Until They Saw the Proof
Will my boss believe my story or won’t they? That’s a dilemma most of us have faced at some point or another in our working lives. Of course, if you tell the truth, you have nothing to worry about. But sometimes, even the true stories sound like total BS and our superiors think we’re full...
15 People Share Times When Their Expectations Were Completely Shattered…In a Bad Way
It’s always pretty discouraging when you’re really, really excited about something and then once it happens…it’s a major letdown. It could be a movie, a restaurant, a life experience, anything really. Has this ever happened to you? AskReddit users shared their personal stories in this department. 1. Bad timing. “Moving to Hong Kong. All ‘get...
People Discuss Things That Are Universally Considered “D**k Moves”
There’s really no beating around the bush: some things that people do are just total d**k moves. I’m talking about things that would be considered very rude and inappropriate across all cultures, no matter where you are. Let’s see what AskReddit users consider universal “dick moves.” 1. Disgusting. “Not cleaning up after yourself in communal...
These Things Are Pretty Much Considered “D*ck Moves” by Everyone out There
Okay, friends, it’s time to talk about something that I think we can all agree is pretty infuriating: things that are considered “dick moves” all the way across the board. No matter what country you’re in or who you’re hanging out with, some things are just huge no-nos and are considered universal dick moves. It’s...
People Talk About Their Craziest True Stories Where They Had to Say “I Can Explain!”
Have you ever had an experience where it looked like you were up to something sinister, weird, or maybe even illegal but everything was totally on the level? Those are usually the moments when you have to yell out “I can explain!” And hopefully, you’re able to articulate yourself enough that no one calls the...
15 People Share Their Craziest “I Can Explain!” Moments
I can explain! How many times have you been caught in what looked like a crazy predicament and you had to yell that out to people so you could plead your case? It may sound like something that only happens in movies, but I assure you that it happens in real life, too. And here’s...