

Women Share the Creepiest Things That Men Have Said to Them in Public

Unfortunately, almost every single woman on Earth has had to deal with a creepy guy invading her space and saying gross and inappropriate things to her at one point or another. On behalf of all the decent fellas out there, I apologize for these total creeps. The ladies of AskReddit opened up about the creepiest...

People Discuss Their Feelings About Firefighters Compared to Cops

I know people probably have very strong feelings about this, but all I can really say about it is that I think firefighters and police officers don’t get paid enough money and they both need raises. And I did see a fire department versus police hockey game in Charlotte, North Carolina and that was a whole lot...

30 Trends That People Were Glad to See Die Out

Trends come and go, and thank goodness for that, because some of them get really old really quick. Redditors discussed the trends that they’re glad have died out, from fake mustaches to “Who Let The Dogs Out,” and here are some of their best answers. This thread is a walk down memory lane! 1. Keep calm and…...

15 Experts Share Common Knowledge That Most People Don’t Know

No matter what your job is, it likely requires some form of expertise, whether that’s how to wrangle a two-year-old or how to land a plane. When you’ve been in the same field for long enough, you start to take certain forms of expertise for granted. But when you try to talk about it to someone not...

16 People Share Their Thoughts About a Global Plague That Only Hit the 65+ Crowd

This is a great question to throw out to the public in the midst of the coronavirus hysteria, don’t you think? Why not? Let’s go with it! If a plague killed every person in the world over the age of 65, how would the world change? AskReddit users weighed in on this question. 1. Cons...

A Mysterious Deep Space Object Is Sending Signals to Earth Every 16 Days

Is something trying to communicate with us? Or maybe this is a warning of a pending alien invasion? The truth is out there somewhere, but for now, scientists are baffled by an object transmitting signals that hit Earth every 16 times. The object also happens to be 500 million light-years away. Scientists are at a...

12 People Share The Paradoxes That Really Mess With Their Mind

The most simple definition of a paradox is this: a statement that contradicts itself or a situation which seems to defy logic. These are all around us every day, and range from something mundane like saying “I always lie” and the complexities surrounding the idea of time travel. If you’re into reading things that really...

15 People Muse on the Extinct Species They Would Love to See Return

Plenty of plant and animal species have disappeared from existence since we began recording history – some more famously than others (looking at you, dinosaurs). We’re now in the middle of a mass extinction event, which means more and more species are going to fade into the ether for good. It seems like a good...