

10 Crystal Clear Moments When People Knew the Marriage Was Over

It’s never easy when a relationship, particularly a marriage, comes to an end. Whatever the situation, whatever the reason, change is hard enough all on its own without adding feelings into the mix. But sometimes, people just know it’s over. Here are 10 extremely clear moments when people knew it was time to move on....

18 Facts That Never Get Old and Always Make Us Smile

Some facts never get old, even when you hear them more than once. That’s the thing about knowledge – there’s so much out there to soak up that even cool facts can fall out of your head as fast as they went in, you know? So we think that even if you’ve heard these 18...

19 Straight-Up Fascinating Facts We’d Love to Show You

Facts are our business around here, so I like to think we know good ones when we see them. “Good” can mean different things to different people, but one of the factors for me is definitely the question “will it send me down an excellent rabbit hole?” These 19 facts definitely meet that (and other)...

20 Facts That Will Make You Feel Even Smarter Than You Already Are

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you love facts. You’re here, after all, and this sort of headline is the thing that makes your brain get all warm and fuzzy inside. If brains got warm and fuzzy, I mean. Which they don’t. So, without further ado, here are 20 facts...

It’s Strange To Read This Airline Pilot’s March 2020 Note

Back in February and March of 2020, no one could have guessed what was in store for us all. We were hearing whisperings of a pandemic, we were made aware it had hit our shores, and within a few short weeks, the majority of America had gone into some kind of lockdown. That’s what was...

Lifeguards in Los Angeles Can Make More Than $350K a Year

I’m from the Midwest, so when I think about lifeguards, what comes to mind is teenagers who compete on their school’s swim teams and who also earn some summer cash watching over kids (and adults) at the local swimming holes. It turns out that on the coasts, though, policing the oceans can be an actual...

12 Times When Someone Should Have Said No

When things go wrong, my husband often likes to say, “Nice idea. Shame about the execution.” I believe it comes from soccer. Well, sometimes things are the opposite. Sometimes they are a terrible idea, fabulously executed. Thus began the r/ATBGE subreddit, for exhibiting just this sort of situation. Here are some of the most amazingly...

You Need These 8 Cool Infographics In Your Life

I think the reason – or at least, one of the reasons – that infographics have become so popular and fun is that in our world of “do everything faster” and “show me everything at once,” they’re the perfect visual capsule. They give us a bunch of information on a single topic, usually with a graph...