

Is He Wrong for Telling His Sister That Her 4 Kids Are Her Plus One to His Wedding? People Responded.

When it comes to planning a wedding, sometimes folks have to put their foot down. I’m talking about making the hard decisions that they know might get some people angry. But, in the end, a wedding is supposed to be about the people getting married, right? So was this guy out of line for what...

Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Not Sharing Her Materials With Her Best Friend’s Daughter

People sure can be pushy, huh? And parents can REALLY be pushy sometimes. But sometimes you have to stand your ground, even though it might result in someone getting angry with you. Was this woman out of line for what she said to her best friend? Take a look and let us know what you...

People Who Are Against One Night Stands Share Why They Feel That Way

To each their own, right? Some people think a roll in the hay with someone is no big deal, while other folks have some pretty strong feelings about why they’re against the idea of a one-night stand. Let’s hear from AskReddit users about this topic. Take a look! Picky. “It’s been over 10 years since...

She Sent Her Son Away Because He Told People His Sister Has Dentures. Did She Go Too Far?

This kid sounds rude as hell…I’m just giving you a heads-up. But that’s just my opinion! Your task today is to read this woman’s story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page and let us know if you think she went too far with punishing her son. Get started now and see what you think!...

Is She Wrong for Not Wanting Her Stepmom to Be the Mother of the Bride at Her Wedding? People Responded.

Oh, boy, here we go again… It’s yet another story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page that involves drama surrounding an upcoming wedding and a stepmom who desperately wants to be part of the ceremony. But this woman ain’t having it! So, is she an a**hole? Check out her story and see what you...

She Threatened Her In-Laws With Homelessness. Did She Go Too Far?

Some people just don’t get it… I’m talking about people who don’t think that those of us who work at home full-time are actually WORKING and we need to focus on what we’re doing. What a concept, right? And it sounds like the woman who wrote this story is at the end of her rope...

She Told Her Cousin She Ruined a Family Heirloom. Is She a Jerk?

Family heirlooms are NOT to be messed with, are we clear about that? They’re passed down from generation to generation for a reason, you know? And we can all understand why someone would get fired up about an heirloom being ruined. So did this woman go too far when she told her cousin she ruined...

Is She Wrong for Telling People That Her Brother Chose a Dog Over Her? Here’s What People Said.

I’m gonna go on the record right now and let everyone know that I usually like dogs more than people. And if you’ve ever had a special dog in your life, then you might agree with me… And that brings us to today’s story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page! Is this woman wrong for telling...