What Old Things Would Only Internet Veterans Remember? Here’s What People Said.
Believe it or not, the Internet didn’t ALWAYS exist. Yes, I’m talking directly to all the young folks out there who have never known a world that didn’t allow them the convenience to get online whenever they felt like it. So let’s hear from some older folks about the way that the Internet used to...
Who Is the Most Evil Person Alive? Here’s What People Had to Say.
If you had to pick one person in the world that you think is the most evil human being on the planet, who do you think you’d choose? A world leader? The head of a country? Someone on television who spreads untruths? A notorious criminal? You know this question will inspire some interesting answers! So...
12 People Talk About Things That Were Once All the Rage Online That Are Now Forgotten
Trends on the Internet appear and disappear in a hurry…and some of them just end up being forgotten altogether. So what are some things that were once all the rage online but then disappeared? Here’s what AskReddit users had to say. 1. Back in my day… “Search engines before Google existed. Alta Vista, Lycos, Web...
12 People Share What They Think Is Theoretically Possible but Practically Impossible
Okay, friends, we want to take you on a magical journey today… We’re going to explore the unknown and hear from folks on AskReddit about what they think is theoretically possible but practically impossible. Are you ready to take a trip? Let’s get started now! 1. Agree to disagree. “Everyone agreeing. Or everyone disagreeing. This...
What Was Once All the Rage on the Internet That Is Now Forgotten? People Shared Their Thoughts.
Do people still like to play games online like Farmville and Candy Crush and stuff like that? It seemed like everyone was all about those games for a while…but I haven’t heard anything lately… Speaking of that, let’s hear from people on AskReddit about what used to be HUGE on the Internet and is now...
What Is Theoretically Possible but Practically Impossible? Here’s What People Had to Say.
I’m gonna say right off the bat that I am not a science person, so these responses are going to blow my mind no matter what these folks said… But maybe you’re a bit smarter than I am… Check out what AskReddit users said about what is theoretically impossible but practically impossible. 1. Maybe… Dyson...
12 People Talk About What They Think Was Ruined by the Internet
Whew…this could be an incredibly long list, don’t you think? Because the Internet has changed pretty much every single aspect of our lives…and there’s no turning back. So that begs the question, “what do you think was ruined by the Internet?” Check out what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. You’re right. “Attention...
What Person Alive Today Is Closest to a Modern-Day Einstein? Here’s What People Said.
Are there some modern-day Einsteins out there among us right now? There has to be, right? Well, we’re gonna get to the bottom of that right now… Take a look at what folks had to say about this on AskReddit. 1. Out there somewhere… “I know this absolute child prodigy genius of a mathematician that...