

What Even Are Dimensions, and How Many Do We Know About?

You’ve probably heard countless sci-fi flicks wax poetic about entering the ninth dimension, but what exactly does that even mean? What even are dimensions, and how do we exist in them? Are there really nine and counting? Well, it all depends on how you look at it. At our most basic understanding, we exist in...

People Talk About What They Think Smells Good but Tastes Bad

Well, this question should make people come out of the woodwork with some interesting answers. Because we’re all pretty passionate about what we eat and what we think smells good. For instance, I love the smell of freshly-poured tar on the street, but I wouldn’t recommend eating it. The last time I did it…well, never...

12 Super Accurate Memes That Only True Crime Fans Will Understand

While the rest of the world goes up in flames, at least we have a steady stream of true crime podcasts, videos, and memes to keep us sane. There’s nothing quite like getting comfy and cozy to hear all about some of the most disturbing things that people have ever done. Here are 12 super...

16 Animals Reimagined Based on Their Skulls Are Horrifying and Hilarious

Much of what we know about the dinosaurs, and really any creatures that existed long before we were born, comes from the artifacts we’ve found documenting their existence: mainly, bones and fossils. From these bones and fossils paleontologists have been able to reconstruct skeletons of dinosaurs, extinct animals, even early humanoids. We know what they...

People Open up and Discuss the Bizarre Recurring Dreams They Have

I have a couple of recurring dreams in my portfolio that come back to bother me every once in a while. Of course, I have the classic “late for class” one where I’m running through endless school hallways, but I also have one where I have to somehow wiggle my way through very narrow openings...

14 People Discuss the Odd Recurring Dreams They Have

Dreams are so strange, aren’t they? Here we are in the year 2020 and it seems like we’re no closer to understanding what they actually mean. But one thing is for sure: recurring dreams are REALLY STRANGE. And they can be exhausting. Folks on AskReddit discussed their odd recurring dreams. 1. Back to school. “I...

What’s the Strangest Recurring Dream You Have? Here’s What People Said.

Recurring dreams sure can be exhausting, can’t they? You wake up after a restless night reliving the same situations over and over and you feel like you really didn’t even get any sleep. Yuck! I really don’t like that! Are you ready to hear about some weird ones? AskReddit users talked about the strange recurring...

13 People Share the Weird Recurring Dreams They Have

Do you have recurring dreams? The ones that throw you for a loop when you’re sleeping and cause you to reflect when you wake up? I know I do! And I hate them! But I guess there’s something firing in my subconscious that causes them to keep happening again and again… AskReddit users opened up...