A Man Finds Caterpillars in His Broccoli and Decides to Raise Them as Pets
At one point or another, we’ve all found insects in our fruits and veggies. But how many of us decided to raise them as pets? According to the USDA, some bugs are allowed in our food (meaning that if you swallow some in your lifetime, you won’t get sick). We just can’t get rid of...
People Talk About True Stories That Went From Bad to Worse
Things can easily escalate from bad to worse in any situation, really, and, while it’s kind of funny to HEAR stories like this, it’s another thing altogether when it happens to YOU. Have you ever had any really bad things befall you that just kept piling up on top of each other? Folks on AskReddit...
12 People Share Their “Wait! It Gets Much Worse!” Stories
But wait…it gets worse… How many times have you heard stories like that in your life? Or, how many times have things actually happened to you in your life that were like this? Yikes. It’s never fun, that I can assure you. Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about stories that went from bad to...
People Discuss the Scary Facts That Really Make Them Worry
Some people out there are just born worriers. They can’t help it, but the state of the world, all the things that go wrong, and all the things that MIGHT go wrong tend to keep them up at night and influence their lives in a negative way. And, let’s be honest, there sure are a...
16 People Share the Terrifying Facts That Keep Them up at Night
When I was a kid, I was a total worrywart. I’d lay in my bed at night and just think of all of the terrifying things that might happen: World War III, an asteroid hitting our house, packs of wild dogs roaming the neighborhood. Basically anything that could potentially cause me harm. Now, I guess I’m just...
14 People Need Midwesterners to Answer These Questions as Soon as Possible
Every region in the United States has a “thing.” Sometimes, that thing is a thing they’ve branded and adopted themselves, and other times it’s a stereotype that other people giggle about behind their backs. Which is not to say it isn’t true. And if you’re a Midwesterner, well… the internet has some very valid questions...
An Awesome Set of Interesting Facts We Really Love
We could all use a little pep in our step today, considering the state of the world and the constant flow of bad news that we see on TV and online. One way we think we can help you out is with some really great facts! We’ll stimulate your mind and make you forget about...
People Share Those First Dates That Did Not Go Accordingly to Plan
So yeah, those first dates can be real doozies, can’t they? All those expectations, like who’s going to pay and will they want a good night kiss? I think this is probably why Tinder was created, right? Because who has time for all that build up? Why not get right down to it? Btw, I’ve...