Starbucks Employee Reveals Program That Punishes Staff Who Don’t “Connect” With Their Customers
I haven’t worked in a customer service job in quite a few years, but I have to say that I never really liked it when it was drilled into the employees’ heads that we need to be best friends with the customers. I totally understand being polite and friendly and respectful but I always thought...
12 People Share Stories About the Most Evil Things They’ve Ever Seen
If you read too much about true crime (which I d0), you can get a little bit paranoid. But, on the flip side, it can also make you realize that you have to keep your guard up and keep your eyes open when you’re out on the street. Take a look at what AskReddit users...
Restaurant Servers Talk About the Most Annoying Things That Customers Do
If you’ve ever worked in the service industry before, you know that you have to put up with A TON of annoying customers. It’s just part of the job. And when I was growing up, my two older sisters both worked as waitresses at the same restaurant and they’d come home and compare stories all...
Burger King Employee Shared a Hilarious Video of an Epic Kitchen Disaster
As someone who worked in the fast food industry when I was younger, I’m here to tell you that you gotta be careful with those fryers! One misstep and you might have a major disaster on your hands…and we’re about to see a real-life example of exactly what I’m talking about. Y’all ready for this?...
Former Walmart Employee Talks About the Techniques They Use to Stop People From Stealing
FYI, shoplifting is a big no-no, so don’t try it…but you probably already knew that, didn’t you? Nevertheless, today we’re going to dig into some tricks of the trade, so to speak. Have you ever wondered how businesses big and small try to cut down on stealing from their stores? Walmart loses a whopping $3...
Employee Reveals “Survivor Challenge” at Domino’s Pizza That Offers Employees $10K for Working 60 Days Straight
I have a feeling that the content in this article is going to get some people pretty fired up. It comes to us from a TikTok user who shared some thoughts about the business practices of Domino’s Pizza. The gist of the story is that the popular pizza chain is offering a prize of $10,000...
This Video Shows How the Ranch Sauce at Wing Stop Is Made
I have two confessions to make before we get into the nitty-gritty of this article. The first one is that I LOVE RANCH. Hey, I’m from the Midwest, what can I say? The second one is…I’ve never been to Wing Stop or had the food from there. I know, I know, I need to give...
What’s the Strangest Fact You Know? Here’s What People Said.
Is your brain full of weird facts that really have no reason for occupying space up there? Hey, me too! I’m glad I’m not the only one! Okay, now that we have that out of the way, let’s hear from AskReddit users about the strangest facts they know…for some reason. 1. Okay… “Shrimp live in...