13 People Share the Best Examples That Prove Society Is Going Downhill
The world is going to HELL in a handbasket! I haven’t heard that saying in quite a while…but is it true? These AskReddit users sure think so! Check out what they had to say about why they think society is going down the tubes. 1. Insane. “When I lost 3 of my closest family members...
13 People Share Red Flags to Look Out for When Interviewing With Companies
Sometimes you get a feeling during a job interview that the workplace will be toxic and you know that you’re not gonna take the job even if they offer it to you… And we could all use as much insight into this topic as we can get! Check out what AskReddit users had to say...
What Do You Think Today’s Kids Need More Of? Here’s What People Had to Say.
This is how I’d answer this question: fresh air and playing outside instead of sitting in front of a TV or staring at a phone! Now that I aired my grievance, let’s hear from AskReddit users about this. 1. Have some fun. “Unstructured playtime outside with others that are a variety of ages. Not under...
15 People Talk About What Used to Be Considered Luxurious That’s Now Normal
Can you imagine life without air conditioning? I definitely CAN NOT. But back in the day, having AC was considered a luxury, not something that everyone had. What are some more examples of things like this? Check out what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. It’s fresh. “Cold drinks and fresh fruit everywhere...
What’s Your Best Little-Known Travel Tip? Here’s What People Said.
Traveling to out-of-the-way places is the best! You’re not surrounded by tourists and you really get to soak in the culture of another place! And, with that, let’s hear from AskReddit users about their lesser-known travel tips. Get started now, friends! 1. Good one! “I bring old underwear, socks, clothes the kids are about to...
15 People Share Their Best Travel Tips That Most Folks Don’t Know About
Here’s a pro travel tip from Yours Truly: Poland is AWESOME. A lot of people don’t think to go there, but I visited my brother in Poland when he was teaching English there and it was wonderful! What are your lesser-known travel tips? Here’s what AskReddit users had to say. 1. Yes! “If you’re asking...
12 People Share Company Secrets About Places Where They Used to Work
It’s secret time, friends! And we’re gonna get let in on secrets from AskReddit users about places they used to work! How fun! Let’s get all the dirt starting NOW! 1. Fight for it. “Health insurance dude. When you file a claim, it is often denied because they’re counting on you not escalating it. Once...
What’s the Best Example of Society Going Downhill? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.
Are we as a society going downhill or are we on the upswing? Well, it seems like people are pretty divided on that one… But these AskReddit users DEFINITELY think the world is on the decline…and they offered up some reasons why… Check out what they had to say. 1. Yup. “People voting against their...