This Person Took Away Someone’s Promotion After They Screwed Them Over
People sure can be shady when it comes to work sometimes, don’t you think? There’s a lot of infighting, gossip, and people on power trips trying to make sure that no one gets ahead of them. Take a look at this revenge story that someone shared on Reddit and stick around to see how readers...
20 People Share the Popular Trends They Remember That Everyone Seems to Have Forgotten
I think it’s time for me to throw on a pair of parachute pants, some Reebok Pumps, and a Vuarnet France t-shirt so I can hit the town in style. Okay, maybe I’m dating myself just a little bit. But that just got all of us in the mood to talk about some trends that...
19 U.S. Cities People Don’t Realize Are Super Sketchy
There are some cities that people seem to realize aren’t the best to visit, at least not if you enjoy walking around and hanging onto your money (or your life), but sometimes places you’ve never heard of might also be ones to avoid. If you’re thinking about taking a road trip or traveling to a...
10 Cool Maps We Would Study For Hours
I’ve always thought maps were cool, even back in the day when they were just different maps of the world at large. Now, there’s an entire subreddit that’s dedicated to mapping interesting and cool trends across the globe, and since there’s literally a map for everything you’ve ever wanted – and a bunch of stuff...
Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Refusing to Say Where She Got Her Clothes From
Some folks out there can get really picky, protective, and downright hostile when it comes to their wardrobe. And you’re about to read a story that exemplifies exactly what I’m talking about. Read on and take a look for yourself… AITA for not saying where I got my clothes from? “I (20F) really love to...
This Guy Chose to Watch a Football Game Over Going to a Wedding. Did He Act Like a Jerk?
Listen, I love sports and there are definitely times when I want to watch an important game that conflicts with an important event…so I suck it up, record the game, and watch it later. It’s as easy as that! But we both know that people have to make things as complicated as possible for some...
11 Creative Maps We Love To Study
I don’t know about you, but I love a good map. I’m guessing if you’re here, you do too – and you’re going to be glad you clicked, because we’ve got 11 super fun and creative maps for you below. We’re not talking about regular maps here, y’all – more like popular hats in Europe...
24 People Talk About the Most Unfair Suspension or Expulsion They Ever Saw
Life ain’t fair… How many times have you heard that in your life? I heard a lot…and it turns out it’s pretty true across the board, including when you’re going to school. It’s just the way it is… People on AskReddit talked about the most unfair suspension or expulsion they ever saw at school. Let’s...