This Man Banned His Niece From His House for Throwing Away His Son’s School Supplies. Was He Wrong?
Here’s a life tip: don’t ever throw away another person’s things…no matter what they might be. And today we have a story from the “Am I The A**hole?” page on AskReddit about a guy who banned his niece for ditching his son’s school supplies…but he wants to know if he overreacted… AITA for banning my...
15 People Describe The Absolute Worst Places They’ve Seen
If you’re a person who takes road trips, or who travels across any country fairly often, chances are you’ve stopped in some pretty gross and sketchy places – or at least you did before you had to worry so much about other people’s germs. It takes quite an impression, then, for a spot to earn...
14 People Share Their Reasons For Walking Out Of A Job Interview
Getting to the interview part of a job search can be an exciting time, and most of us hope that it will be the beginning of the end to what is a grueling and not-at-all fun process. You’d think it would take a pretty strong reason, then, for someone to get up and walk out...
What Doesn’t Require a License but Probably Should? People Responded.
It’s pretty wild to think about what requires a license and what doesn’t… Actually, it’s TERRIFYING to think about things that don’t require one. And we’re gonna hear a bunch of people sounding off about this! AskReddit users shared what they think should require a license but doesn’t. Let’s have a look at what they...
13 People Confess To Their Hilarious Travel Fails
Traveling is one of the best things in the world. You get time away, you get to experience new scenery or a new culture, and sometimes you come home with a whole new take on life. Of course, the farther you venture out of your comfort zone, the more likely you are to make a...
20 Brave Folks Who Walked Away From A Job With No Plan B
Making the decision to quit your job – whether weeks in the making or spur of the moment when you’re pushed over the edge – can be terrifying one no matter what your circumstances. That said, making that choice with no other job on the horizon takes extra courage – but if you know your...
14 Architects Who Came Up With Things That Are Incredibly Impressive
Most of the time we walk down the street, either in our hometowns or somewhere far away, and notice the buildings around us. We might think some look cool, or that others are weird and ugly, but in truth, most of the time they’re easily forgotten. Then there are times when you look up, stop...
Did Mom Go Too Far Getting Teacher Fired Over Some “Stupid Snacks”?
Anytime I see an Ask Reddit that starts with a question about getting someone fired, I’m always ready to pull out my a$$hole card. Times are tough, and no matter what went down, getting someone fired sounds like a Karen move. We’re gonna hear this woman out, though, because it involves her daughter with diabetes,...