But that activity started to sharply decline right around the time that the app’s overall use did:

Photo Credit: Apptopia
The app lost about 15 million daily users after it peaked.
But that peak was astronomical, topping users of both Facebook and Twitter.
Did anybody really expect it to last?

Photo Credit: Shirtigo/MDK7
It’s probably safe to assume that 25 million users won’t keep walking 1,400 extra steps per day.
But that doesn’t erase the 144 billion extra steps that were already taken.
And who knows what AR games are still to come?
Maybe Pokémon GO isn’t a thing in a year.
But what if that’s because Harry Potter GO is:

Photo Credit: SE
There’s no evidence to support that, actually.
But what I’m getting at is that Pokémon GO wasn’t the first AR game – it was just the first one to be so big.
Will it be the last?
That is possible.
The Wii kind of peaked at bowling:

Photo Credit: Coburn Dukeheart/NPR
Sure. It stuck around, and the technology was picked up by other consoles.
But nothing came close to the peak.
Of course, even though nothing substantial ever replaced Wii bowling in nursing homes:

Photo Credit: Senior Voice
It was still a pretty significant gaming phenomenon.
And, this summer, something like it happened again:

Photo Credit: Getty
Maybe the next big phenomenon won’t have anything to do with Pokémon GO, which is unlikely to ever see those early numbers again.
(Though the daily user numbers the game still has aren’t anything to cry about.)
But who knows what might happen once Niantic releases updates like trading?
Will that get you back out again?
Want More?
Check Out:
- Niantic Announces a New Feature to Help Catch Rare Pokémon!
- Pokémon GO Helps UK Animal Shelter Raise $13K in One Night
- South Korea’s Pokémon GO-nuts: Gotta Munch ‘Em All
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- Pokéanatomy – An Artistic Vision of the Science Behind a Pokémon’s Inner Workings!
- UK Artist Cat Ward Is Evolving Pokémon into Mandalas
- Pokémon of New York: A Hilarious Parody of Humans of New York
- The 6 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Pokémon GO
- Why You Should Get Excited About the Next Pokémon GO Update
- Pokémon NO – The 4 Worst Things to Happen to Pokémon GO Players
- The Elusive Ditto: Everything We Know About The Pokémon Everybody Wants To Catch
- Pokémon GO Battle Guide: The Best Moves For Each Species
- Find Out The Perfect IVs For 2km, 5km, & 10km Egg Hatches
- The Hardest Pokémon to Catch in Pokémon GO
- Pokémon GO Candy Predictions for Gen 2 Evolutions
- These 10 Pokémon are the Most Powerful in Pokémon GO Right Now
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- Quiz: How Many of These 20 Original Pokémon Can You Name?
- A Guy Caught A Pokémon While He Was Fighting ISIS
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