Are you just throwing your highest CP Pokémon into gyms?
If so, you might be making a mistake.
CP only gives you a snapshot of your pocket monster.

Photo Credit: Forbes/Niantic
True, it’s the easiest and quickest way to size them up at a glance.
But according to the folks at Trainer Tips (who ranked the Pokémon based on an amazing spreadsheet from reddit-user profesor_kuki), CP can also be misleading.
For instance, the top 7 Pokémon that usually show up in gyms are also the 7 Pokémon with the top CP:
- Dragonite
- Lapris
- Snorlax
- Vaporeon
- Exeggutor
- Arcanine
- Gyarados
But a Pokémon with high attack and low defense like Exeggutor might have a high CP that doesn’t necessarily help you hold a gym down. It all depends on how you want to hold that gym down.

Photo Credit: Niantic
It stands to reason that, if you’re trying to hold a gym, you’re probably looking for some solid defense.
But even then, there are plenty of options when it comes to which Pokémon you want to choose.
Are you looking to hold a gym down as long as possible?
Then you probably just want to leave in one these 20:

Photo Credit: Trainer Tips
Notice that, when it comes to keeping a gym for the longest amount of time, all 20 of those Pokémon outrank the infamous egg-tree.
But, if you’re looking to lay some damage down along the way, you probably want a good overall list, like this one:

Photo Credit: Trainer Tips
Hey! The egg-tree is back!
The next move, if you want to get real involved, is to factor in move-sets.
Now, you could go to that spreadsheet I mentioned earlier, but Trainer Tips has actually already done a pretty exhaustive job of ranking those out, using Dewgong as a floor.
And it turns out that move-sets really matter.
For instance, if you’re trying to decide which of your Lapras is going to fare best, you definitely want to compare move-sets, as its lowest-ranked set is actually 30% less effective than its top:

Photo Credit: Trainer Tips
You can see a more thorough explanation of everything I went through above – plus the move-set rankings for all of the top 20 – in this video from Trainer Tips:
Now get out there and hold down some territory!
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