
Posts by Justin Gardner

5 Great Gifts for Grandparents They’ll Actually Use

(Quick note: This is a sponsored post, but we never write about stuff that we don’t love. So yes, somebody paid us to write this post, but they didn’t tell us what to write or how to write it. Click here to learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners.) Have...

5 Handy Stocking Stuffers that Make Parents Lives Easier

(Quick note: This is a sponsored post, but we never write about stuff that we don’t love. So yes, somebody paid us to write this post, but they didn’t tell us what to write or how to write it. Click here to learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners.) This...

7 Hilarious, Useful Products that Will Make Very Memorable White Elephant Gifts

(Quick note: This is a sponsored post. That means somebody paid us to write it. They didn’t tell us what to write or how to write it, and we’re always dedicated to providing accurate, quality information. Click here to learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners.) We’ve all been there....

“Beer Me!” The Sudski Shower Beer Holder Brings Booze to Bath Time

What costs just $15 and can hold you shower beer securely so there’s no spillage? THIS! What you’re looking at is the Sudski Shower Beer Holder (http://drinkintheshower.com), a foolproof way to enjoy ANY canned beverage while you take care of the business of getting clean. You can buy it online. here. https://www.instagram.com/p/ByE-WOlF4UX/ Not a beer...

The Bug Bite Thing is an Ingenious Way to Remove Irritants/Venom so Bites/Stings Don’t Itch

Are you a human on this planet? Then you’ve been bitten by a bug at some point in your life. Obviously bug bites AND stings are VERY common problems we all share, and when either of those situations arise, the vast majority of us turn to creams and ointments that treat the symptoms, not the...

This ‘Game of Thrones’ Quiz Helps Psychologists Know How You Respond to Ethical Dilemmas

You’ve been watching ‘Game of Thrones’ since 2011 and no doubt you’ve taken at least ONE online personality quiz. Time’s Ultimate Game of Thrones Fan Quiz was put together by legit social psychologist and poses a genuine ethical dilemma that has no easy answers. Here’s the set up… And then the story begins… So Catwick...

Watch Bill Nye the Science Guy Give an Epic, Profanity-Filled Lesson on Climate Change

We always knew that Bill Nye the Science Guy was a bad ass when it came to, well, science stuff, but a recent video with over 3.5 million views shows that he’s also another kind of bad ass. He recently guest starred in a segment on climate change during ‘Last Week Tonight’ with host John...

This Guy Played Goofy at Disneyland and Shares the Most Beautiful Story You’ve Ever Heard

Sometimes reddit’s “Ask Me Anything” (or AMA) talks can be insanely beautiful. Other times they can be astonishingly revealing. This one is both. Reddit user “Ihaveanotheridentity,” talked about the power of Disney in a Reddit Ask Me Anything entitled, “I was Goofy at Walt Disney World for over 20 years! AMA!” The question he was...

16 People Share Their Eerie, Wonderful ‘Butterfly Effect’ Stories

The question on reddit was this: “Real life “butterfly effect” stories, what happened and what was the series of events and outcomes?” Some very creepy, very real examples followed. Enjoy! 1. The inhaler My mother wore heels to work and slipped on the carpeted steps, resulting in a broken high heel and a broken leg....

Name of Thrones: The Top ‘Game of Thrones’ Names Parents Gave Their Kids

You think you’re a Game of Thrones fan? Well, have you had a kid and named them after a major or minor character of the show? Because that’s what over 4,500 people did in the United States last year, according to Social Security Administration data. And that number has gone up from 3,800+ in 2017...

These “Game Of Thrones” Stars Had Surprisingly Normal Jobs Before The Show

Yes, they’re just like us. Normal lives until they get just the right break and BOOM. Fame and stardom. The question remains… where will they go from here? Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson was a bank security guard before he landed his role, “I knew it was a huge thing for me, but I didn’t know how...

The Internet Tried This Hand-Drawing ‘Hack’ and the Fails Are Epic

So, not to brag, but I was actually a cartoonist for my college newspaper. And let me just get this out of the way… the only way to be good at drawing is to… wait for it… draw. And you can’t just draw a little. You have to draw a lot. That means you’ll fail...

Last Year, One Girl Stood Alone to Protest Climate Change. This Year, the World Joined Her.

So, you know how global climate change is slowly and methodically destroying our way of life, but our leaders aren’t doing anything about it? I mean, it’s literally the largest threat to the future of our planet and the fact that we don’t routinely have mass demonstrations across the world is kind of strange, right?...

5 Incredibly Toxic Flowers That Are As Deadly As They Are Beautiful

Everybody loves flowers right? They’re pretty, they smell good and they liven up our living spaces. Well, some of them definitely don’t love us back. In fact, they can be absolutely deadly. Recently we looked at 5 Flowers That Would Straight up Kill You If They Had a Chance. Guess what? We’ve found five more....

Guys, Here Are 9 Tips All Women Know for Healthy, Glowing Skin

When I was younger, I didn’t really pay much attention to my skin. After all, I’m a guy. My complexion was mostly clear, and I didn’t have very many, if any, pimples at all. Basically, I was a) very lucky and b) completely ignorant of my largest organ. Yeah, that’s right… I didn’t even know...