
Posts by Stephen Sheehan

Hysterical Teenager Has Gone Viral For Sending Her Mom to Find Guy Who Flipped Her Off While Driving

No one said parenting is easy. After all, there’s a fine line between helping and enabling. And in certain situations, it can be downright difficult to know when it’s appropriate to give tough love or tell your child to grow up. For one mom, she certainly faced that exact situation recently. Her daughter was driving...

Sara Little Turnbull’s Bra Cup Design Turned into the Popular N95 Mask

Sometimes, the best innovations come out of something unintended. In the case of the N95 mask, that’s exactly what happened. This particle-filtering mask has become even more popular due to the coronavirus pandemic. Due to its ability to block out 95 percent of airborne particles, it’s a staple in surgeries and other medical areas. However,...

Grocery Store Worker Questions His Angry Reaction When Disabled Woman Used a Racial Slur Toward Him

There’s never an excuse to use a racial slur. But for one grocery store employee, he even questioned his own initial reaction after finding out that the person who used it toward him has a disability. The situation obviously involves multiple angles. On one hand, using a racial slur is an absolute no-no. On the...

Learn About the 6 Types of Acne and Why They Might Pop Up

For many people, acne can cause problems beyond damaged skin. Dealing with acne can be stressful in itself, which doesn’t exactly help it go away, either. But did you know that there are actually six types of acne? And while there isn’t always an answer for everything, there are different reasons why acne may occur....

Victorian Women Somehow Wore Corsets While Working Out

The next time you’re doing cardio, consider yourself lucky. Today’s gymgoers have a multitude of clothing options that maximize performance and style. That wasn’t the case years ago. In fact, women in the 1800s exercised in corsets and flow dresses. Talk about making life difficult! According to Atlas Obscura, women in that era exercised in...

Wedding Videographer Is Under Heat for Making Fun of Client Who Wanted a Refund After His Fiancé Died

For Justin Montney, what should have been the most beautiful moment of his life has turned into a nightmare. He and Alexis-Athena Wyatt planned to get married in May. But months before, his fiancé died in a car crash. Naturally, that left Montney with no choice but to cancel with vendors. One of those happened...

Squirrels Used to Be One of the Most Popular Pets in America

Believe it or not, there was a period in American history when squirrels were more than friendly, furry creatures to fawn over. In fact, Americans had a much closer relationship with squirrels than they do today. In fact, at one point, squirrels were one of the most popular pets in America. Of course, this took...

People Are Very Upset About The New Froot Loops Toucan Sam Redesign

If you grew up eating cereal, chances are you at least scoffed down a bowl of Froot Loops or two. Well, maybe in some cases that turned out to be a whole box. While the delicious, sugary taste and delectable crunch surely make the first meal of the day magnificent, one of the signature parts...

Food Truck Owner Reveals How Much GrubHub Deducts From Earnings to Encourage People Not to Use Delivery Apps

Food trucks have become insanely popular over the years. After all, what’s not to like about being able to grab delicious, handmade snacks without having to wait for a table at a restaurant? As a business owner, running a food truck involves long hours, cramped quarters and high pressure. Unfortunately, like the rest of the...

There May Be a Reason Why Otters Love to Juggle

If you’ve ever seen otters before, you know all too well how cute and playful they are. These bundles of furry energy also have an affinity for doing something typically seen in a circus act: juggling. But what’s the secret behind their obsession with tossing objects up in the air? Well, thanks to research conducted...

Florida Pastor Goes Viral on TikTok for Jogging With a TV in Response to Ahmaud Arbery Shooting

A Florida pastor took to the streets to prove a very powerful point. And he did so by jogging through a residential neighborhood while holding a flat-screen TV. While it may have turned a few heads, nobody stopped him on his route, which seems to support exactly what Richard Desmik was trying to get across....

Priest Becomes a Meme After Using Squirt Gun to Douse Churchgoers With Holy Water

When you think of priests, you rarely associate them with social media. But Father Tim Pelc has become a viral sensation thanks to his unique way of upholding social distancing standards while delivering his service. Thanks to his crafty use of a squirt gun to douse churchgoers in holy water, the Michigan priest has become...

Murder Hornets Are More Dangerous to the Bee Community Than Humans

If you thought bees were scary, things got taken to the next level with murder hornets. In actuality, they are the Asian giant hornet. But quickly, murder hornets have become a buzzing topic that’s generated plenty of fear. However, despite being found in multiple locations in the United States, they sound more dangerous than they...

Here’s What Happens When You Block Someone on Your iPhone

Have you ever had to ensure that crazy ex doesn’t interrupt your day with a distracting text? There’s no better solution for iPhone users than blocking someone. But whatever the reason that you need to keep someone from contacting you, you never get to see the other side of the coin. So what happens when you...

This Is What Scientists Really Mean When They Say “No Evidence”

Scientists devote countless hours and even more money to conduct research. Finding answers to life-changing questions in a lab can lead to new discoveries. At the same time, those efforts may not lead to anything at all. But for those of us who don’t hold a doctorate degree and spend our days in white lab...