
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

Is This Guy A Jerk For Excluding A Friend’s Partner From Dungeons and Dragons Night?

Even if you’re not someone who plays Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) regularly, you probably know enough about the game and the tight knit circles of people who play it to form an opinion on game night invites, right? I’m going to say that since most of us watched at least a few episodes of The Big...

Watch This Baby Form An Adorable Bond With Their Swim Instructor

Anyone who had a baby or a small child during the most intense quarantine periods of the pandemic can tell you that time was especially rough for them. Their children had no playmates outside of immediate family and, at least for mine, their social skills are a bit off as a result. As parents, we...

How To Properly Pick Up A Duck, According To The Internet

Listen, I am a person who passes along information. It doesn’t matter how irrelevant that information might be to my life (or yours) on this day, because you honestly never know when you’re going to be faced with a totally novel scenario and wish that you knew exactly how to handle it. For example, one...

How Daylight Savings Time Affects Your Part Of The Country

There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about how Daylight Savings Time is the worst, how no one really understands why we still do it, and couldn’t we just decide to stop it already?! Recently, Congress decided we’re going to stay on Daylight time permanently in the coming years and even that has caused...

Could A Passenger Really Be Talked Through An Emergency Plane Landing?

We all know that Hollywood isn’t even close to reality, but sometimes I kind of like to believe that we could make some of that magic happen in real like. You know, like in the case of an emergency. I know that air travel is safe and the kind of emergency where the plane would...

Attention 80s Kids! Here Are 12 Vintage Toys Still Available Today

Everything old is new again, right? It definitely seems like if you wait long enough, everything from fashion to toys to music and other art comes back in style one day – even if those of us who were around the first time wish it wouldn’t (looking at you, 80s “fashion”). If you’re someone who...

Listen To The TikTok Sensation “Surrender To Me” That’s Been Sitting On The Self Since The 70s

If it seems as if it’s easy to become a viral sensation on TikTok these days, well, you probably don’t realize how many people are posting every day on the social media platform. I imagine it’s a pretty cool experience for anyone, but for musicians, having a song suddenly go viral can mean the difference...

Men Dish On What It’s Like To Not Want Kids And What People Think About Them

We’re talking more and more in society these days about how it’s okay for women not to want children – you know, to not have them on purpose. That said, there’s still a stigma there, and many childfree ladies deal with pushback from older relatives, friends, and even strangers on the street. Did you know...

People Rant About The Phrases They Wish Would Go Away

Language is an amazing thing that brings us together, that helps us communicate accurately, and that evolves along with our society. To the latter point, phrases go in and out of style like clothes and hairdos – but sometimes, we wish they would go out of fashion a little bit faster. These 20 people have...

22 People Share A Phrase They Absolutely Loathe

I think that everyone who is anyone has some phrases they really love – and some that make them cringe immediately whenever they hear it. We don’t even understand why most of the time. It just rubs us the wrong way and all of our friends and family know not to say it (unless they...

Babysitters Recall The Most Toxic Parents They’ve Worked For

Babysitting might seem like an easy gig – Kristy Thomas and her friends certainly convinced us it was the job to have back in the day – but anyone who has been asked to do it knows otherwise. Babysitting is tough, it’s exhausting, it can be fun, but when you realize you’ve signed up to...

People Share The Basic Computer Skills Everyone Should Know

At this point, it can seem like there are fewer and fewer people out there who really struggle with computer skills. Boomers are aging out of workplaces and online spaces, so we only notice when we have to help our parents navigate one thing or another, and the rest of us are at least semi-fluent...

Women Recall The Horrible Medical Procedures They Endured Without Anesthetic

If you’re a woman over the age of twenty-five, there’s a good chance you’ve had a semi-invasive and extremely painful medical procedure done without any pain management whatsoever. We’re not talking about childbirth here, when you have a choice – we’re talking about office procedures that should come with pain medication or anesthesia but it...

Women Reveal The Medical Procedures They Have To Get That Should Require Anesthesia

If you’re not a woman, you probably don’t realize everything that goes into regular female preventative care. Even if you are a woman, you might not realize how many of those checkups and procedures come without pain management – even if you experience pretty significant pain. Pain your doctor is going to downplay, by the way....

Is It Ever OK To Dictate What People Wear At Home?

This is going to be a sensitive post for many people. If you’re in your own house, should you be able to wear what you like regardless of whether or not it makes others who live there uncomfortable? A tricky issue, to be sure, especially when there are kids and societal norms involved, right? In...