16 People Relay The Most Disturbing Thing The Popular Kid Did
In almost every high school in America, there are popular kids. But also, there are popular kids and then there are popular kids – the ones who use their baseless power and privilege to make the lives of everyone else completely miserable. If you weren’t that popular kid there’s a good chance you remember who was...
18 People Who Made Creepy Discoveries In Their New Homes
I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who is kind of torn on whether or not I’d like to own an old home with lots of history (and potential hauntings). I mean, on the one hand I guess it could be scary but on the other, isn’t that what keeps things...
18 People Talk Through Their Feelings On The Anti-Work Movement
For the last couple hundred years, human beings have bought into the idea that, in order to live a happy life that contributes to society, you have to spend a large portion of your life working for someone who is not yourself. Of course it’s more than an idea now, since society is built around...
16 People Share The Obvious Lies We’ve All Agreed To Tell
Even though it can feel a little less true these days, the facts are that we are still living in a society. There are norms and regular practices that most of us follow on a daily and weekly basis when interacting with others – even if sometimes we all know those norms are a total...
17 People Share Times When They Lost Despite An Absolutely Flawless Performance
There’s this idea that most humans have that, if they play or perform or otherwise turn in their very best work, a win will always result. Whether it’s a game, a performance, an interview or other project at work, though, experience tells us that’s just not true. You can, in fact, lose no matter how...
11 Pixar “Easter Eggs” You May Have Missed
It’s no secret by now that if you watch a Pixar movie more than once, you’ll start to see some pretty cool details that you missed the first time around. Like Disney, Pixar doesn’t miss a trick, and their fans love uncovering every last “easter egg” the company hides. No matter how big of a...
Jonah Hill Would Like Everyone To Stop Commenting On His Body, Please
The media and certain celebrities have focused a lot recently on body positivity, but if we’re being honest, most of the conversations have centered around not judging female celebrities (and regular people) based on how thin and in shape they are (or aren’t). It can feel like men are still fair game when it comes...
20 Reasons George Wallace Is The Funniest Person On Twitter
Look, I know that’s a big claim in the headline. There are a ton of funny people out there, and a good number of those folks have figured out how to translate their sense of humor into Twitter’s particular short form. That said, I stand by my statement. Comedian and actor George Wallace does it...
16 Women Describe What It’s Like To Turn Down A Proposal
I think that these days, most men know exactly what the answer to a proposal is going to be before they pop the question. Couples talk about it beforehand, make plans for the future, and even talk about things like what sort of engagement ring and/or proposal they expect when the time comes. For these...
19 People Share The Worst Gift They’ve Ever Gotten (Or Given)
Gift giving is one of those societal practices that can be learned, but that I think some people are innately better at than others. Some people are great at paying attention, at being creative – and sure, at being able to afford – really great presents. The rest of us are struggling along, trying to...
14 Security Guards Relay Their Most Disturbing Shifts
When you work a job like security – especially if your shift extends overnight – you’re bound to have seen more than your fair share of stuff you really wish you hadn’t. Which means that, if something stands out as the weirdest or most disturbing – or really if you remember it at all after...
17 Men Weigh In On What They Really Wish Other Men Would Quit
There’s plenty of places on the internet where you can find what women wish men would stop doing. In fact, you probably see that stuff every day whether you’re looking for it or not. But what do men see and wish other dudes would cease and desist? That can be harder to learn about –...
16 Things You Can Ask At A Chain Restaurant But Not Somewhere Fancy
Most of us understand the difference between eating somewhere that has a dress code and only sells wine by the bottle and stopping by the local Chili’s on a Tuesday night, right? There are rules, and for the most part, society tends to follow them. If you’re wondering, though, there are some things that are...
18 Teachers Recall The Worst Thing They Confiscated From A Student
I know more than my fair share of teachers, and I can tell you one thing for sure – they would rather be spending their time teaching and helping kids than taking things away from them. That said, kids will be kids and they will try to get away with what they can and push...
15 People And The Things They Know That They Really Shouldn’t
If you think about it, most of us have learned something at one time or another that will in no way help us navigate or improve our lives – and in some cases, might even make it worse. We just learned it and never forgot it and now we know it even though we really...