Is It Wrong To Break A Family Naming Tradition?
For most people, the process of naming a baby is one that they take super seriously. It can take months to come to an agreement with your partner – and some people are still struggling after the baby comes out. Many families have naming traditions when it comes to firstborns or naming children after relatives...
This Girl Thinks Her Brother Should Face Consequences For Bullying But Her Parents Don’t Agree
When it comes to other people’s parenting decisions, most of us have learned to mind our own business, no matter what we might think or how we would do things differently. That said, what about when it’s your own parents that you don’t agree with? Do you speak up? Toe the line? This girl found...
Should This Man Stay Indoors Because His Presence Makes His Neighbors Uncomfortable?
This might be one of the most ridiculous AITA posts I’ve ever read, and y’all, that is saying something. Then again, we do know that neighborly disagreements can get pretty heated and weird, so maybe it’s not as surprising as I first thought. This man is 40 and single, and lives in a rural area...
14 Service Industry Workers Share The Stories Of Their Biggest Nightmare Customers
People who work in the service industry – retail work, waiting tables, you name it – are the real heroes out there. Because as nice as most people are when they’re in public, we all know there are plenty of folks who act like their mamas never taught them how to behave. If you’ve worked...
16 Times The Internet Schooled The Math Challenged
Listen, I am not here to judge anyone who is no good at math. I know two things are true: I am a relatively intelligent person, and math makes no more sense to me than ancient Greek or like, non-fungible tokens. And I’ve tried, on all counts. These 16 people feel my pain, but unlike...
12 Employees Who Weren’t Afraid To Call Out Their Terrible Bosses
There probably aren’t very many people out there who don’t know what it’s like to work for a boss who is less than stellar. That said, most of us keep or mouths shut because we either need our job, or we think we might need a reference for a better one in the future. These...
16 Things People Just Can’t Muster Any Sympathy For
When it comes to most things in life, I think our human instinct is to try to understand why someone would do or say something that seems totally awful and foreign to us. We look toward their childhoods, to any trauma they might have experienced, or even a mental illness that would help us not...
14 Questions It Actually Could Hurt To Ask
“It never hurts to ask,” or “you never know until you ask!” are both pretty common sayings, but I think we all know there are times when we would be better served not asking questions. If you’re wondering what exactly we would put in this category, these 14 people have pretty strong arguments for times it...
17 Dating “Red Flags” People Think Are Misunderstood
Everyone who has or will be dating has their own private list of red flags – comments or behaviors that will get a person permanently knocked off the potential partner list. Likewise, society as a whole seems to have agreed on some things you definitely want to avoid, but what if you feel differently? These...
13 People Decide What They Would Least Like Whispered In Their Ear At Bedtime
I don’t know about you, but if I were lying in bed on the edge of sleep pretty much anything someone whispered in my ear would totally freak me out. I have watched way too many true crime shows for that nonsense! If you can get past the initial creep factor, though, there are some...
18 Atheists Explain Why They Don’t Believe In A Higher Power
There are all kinds of believers when it comes to religion. Those who are stalwart in their beliefs and cannot be shaken, those who believe but are willing to question certain aspects of what they were taught, those who believe in something but they’re not sure what, and then the atheists, who don’t believe there’s anything...
15 People Are Ready To Confess Their Most Shameful Secrets
I would venture to say that most people have their secrets. Some of them are silly, some of them are sad, and a few of them are dark enough that they must have changed lives for the worse. These 15 people believe their secrets are shameful enough to keep for a lifetime, and reading through...
14 Things We All Agree Makes You A Jerk
Here’s the thing. I think we can all agree that the 14 things listed below makes people totally jackoffs and unworthy of a functional place in society. That said, I don’t think that anyone who commits any of these actions would actually care, you know? That said, it’s important that the ostracized know exactly what...
14 People Share The Hard Truths Humans Are Still Unwilling To Face
I don’t know about you, but even though I used to enjoy nature documentaries as a child, I can hardly watch them anymore. They’re more like horror shows than anything, and if you’re paying attention to how soon and sharply things could go wrong, it can be a bit too much. If you’ve been purposefully...
16 People Come Up With The Fastest Ways To Totally Blow A Job Interview
Most of us go into a job interview wanting to nail it, but listen. That just means there are a ton of articles out there on the internet with advice on how to do just that. What if you want to bomb an interview for some reason? I don’t know why you would want to bomb...