
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

13 Hiring Managers Share Some What NOT To Dos As Far As Your Resume

The whole process of looking and applying for a new job is a daunting one, no matter who you are. There’s a ton of work involved, filters to slip through, interviews to pass, and on and on – but it all starts with the resume. So, if you’re looking for a leg up when it...

Would You Forgive And Forget If Someone Stole Your Dog?

Most people who rescue and/or buy dogs to add to their family consider the dogs just that – family. We love them, they love us, and as part of that contract, we do our very best to keep them healthy and safe. When we adopt a new family member, they are sometimes coming from situations...

Is This Man Wrong To Be Upset That His Fiancee Doesn’t Want To Give Their Child His Surname?

There are more than a few things that couples need to discuss and work through when they’re talking about marrying their lives together, for better or for worse. One of those conversations revolves around future children, and in this case, OP thought he and his fiancee were clear on what last name they would be...

Person Asks If They’re Wrong For Not Following Through After Someone Else Volunteered Their Time

If you’ve ever had a newborn baby, you likely remember that while it was a magical time, it was also an insanely stressful period as well. Newborns are extremely needy, we’re still figuring out their cues, and if you also are the person who gave birth to said newborn, your own crashing hormones are a...

Stepparent Asks Whether The Were a Jerk For Making Stepson Clean Gross Bathroom

Listen, no one said that parenting was going to be a bed of roses. If someone did try to sell you that line, I don’t know…you might be entitled to compensation. But only for the first kid. After that you knew what you were getting into. For this man, he got into the job through...

17 People Who Love Reddit Weigh In On The Biggest Jerk Stories Ever

Most of us who are on social media see AITA posts when they show up cross-posted on sites like Twitter. We read them, we rage comment, we text them to our friends, and we move on. Some people spend hours not only reading posts on the actual subreddit, but commenting on a regular basis, too...

17 People Recall The Moment They Knew A Friendship Was Over

We all believe as children that friends are forever, but in reality, friendships are like any other relationship in that oftentimes they run their course. That said, it can definitely be awkward if both parties don’t let things die naturally, and one has to “break up” with the other – but after these 17 moments,...

Should Grandparents Have To Give Grandkid Money If Their Side of the Family Has Passed?

No one wants to think about losing a child. It’s not the natural order of the world, and it can be hard in the best of times – not only that, there really are no rules for dealing with all of the fallout. In this case, the fallout was OP’s deceased son’s girlfriend showing up...

16 Signs Made To Call Out The Worst People

Thanks to the internet, we’ve all been privy to some pretty funny signs that people have seen while out and about. There’s no doubt that human beings can be pretty hilarious when they want to be, and I love laughing at the random things people come up with. Sometimes, while clever, the signs aren’t funny...

10 People Who Found Super Weird Things And Weren’t Quite Sure What To Do

It can be cool to stumble upon things we weren’t expecting to see that day – or ever – but depending on what the thing is, the whole experience can also be a tad disconcerting. These 11 people unearthed things that can only be categorized as strange, if you ask me, and it seems pretty...

11 Examples Of Truly Excessive Packaging

If you’ve ever ordered a package from Amazon – wink wink, nudge nudge – then you’ve probably gotten a box that was way too big for its contents and full of so much extra packaging you felt like you were ruining the planet all by yourself. Let me tell you, if that drove you crazy?...

15 People Who Really Hope Some Of Their Secrets Stay That Way After They’re Gone

Personally, I think that having a secret you hope your family doesn’t discover once you’re gone can go one of two ways. On the one hand, it could be really embarrassing and it could change the way people remember you. On the other hand if you don’t have some interesting surprise buried in a closet somewhere,...

10 People Offer Up Some Of The Worst Life Hacks Around

Usually, when people get on social media and proclaim that they know a little trick that could make the lives of millions that much easier, they actually have, you know…a useful little trick that could help make the lives of millions easier. These 10 people have no such qualms. They have no qualifications, no good...

16 People Who Have Strong Beliefs About Things They Can’t Prove

This might seem like a bit of a touchy question right now, but don’t fear – we’re not going down the road of if and when to question established science today. These 16 people have more personal, in some cases, and universal in others, beliefs about what exactly is going on behind the scenes of...

14 Professions People Think Are Unethical Across The Board

There are good jobs, there are jobs that get us by, and then there are jobs that no one really wants to do and literally everyone hates. Someone has to do it, though, but listen – it’s still not the best way to make a buck. If you’re looking to avoid jobs that will suck...