
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

16 People Share The Moment They Knew A Friendship Was Done

Good friends are hard to find, and that only gets more true as we age. I think that’s the reason that many of us will hold onto our friendships – especially the ones we’ve had since childhood – like grim death. That said, most of us realized that there can and are times when we...

These People Are No Longer Bound By Their NDA, And They Have Stories To Tell

If you’ve ever worked in an industry or for a company that has some pretty juicy trade secrets to keep, then you might have probably been asked to sign a NDA. You know, just in case. Those things expire, though, for one reason or another, and people are able to share – so if you’re...

16 People Dish On What’s Considered Normal In Europe But Not In America

As an American, I think of Europeans as like, our cute little ancestors. We’re like them, but younger, hipper, and cooler – but what if that’s just a misconception that’s common among us who live in the States? If you’re curious, here are 16 things Europeans think are normal but that would make Americans gasp...

12 People Who Had A Rough Start To The Year

I’m not sure that any of us have had the start to the new year that we’d hoped for, although I’m sure there are some folks out there who are absolutely killing it. You must have great karma! Even if you’ve had a bit of a rough start, I promise it’s not as bad as...

18 Things People Say Should Be Easier Than They Are

Expectations can be a tough thing to manage in life, don’t you think? Sometimes I think the key to being a happy person is honestly just managing them to the point where you keep them super low all the time and so are only pleasantly surprised. And sure, sometimes you’re expecting something to be hard...

16 People Discuss Why They Don’t Want To Tax The Rich

There aren’t that many extra rich people in the world, relatively speaking. Not only that, but the chances of a regular person joining the ranks of the uber rich is also extremely unlikely. Which is all to say that the majority of people who oppose taxing the rich much disagree for reasons other than hoarding...

How Opening A Store Credit Card Totally Tanked This Woman’s Finances

There’s an excellent chance that if you are a human being who has shopped in a chain store, you have been approached about opening a credit card for that particular store. They try to suck you in with discounts on your initial purchase, the promise that you can cancel right away, and doe-eyed cashiers who...

15 People Who “Spoke Now” At A Wedding Share The Story

If you’ve been to a traditional wedding in your day, there’s a good chance the priest or preacher or minister said at some point that this was the time to speak up if you had any reason the couple should not be wed, or forever hold your peace. No one ever says anything, and in...

17 Folks Talk About What Rich People Problems Be Like

Let’s face it – most of us will never be lucky enough to have rich people problems. We have first world problems, which we recognize are privileged and not real problems, but privilege and wealth don’t always (or even often) go hand-in-hand. It can be fun to muse on – or share our experience with –...

15 People Describe The Creepy “Off-Limits” Places They’d Love To Explore

I don’t know about you, but I love the idea of being an “urban explorer.” Like, I understand that it’s dangerous and all of the reasons it’s not advised, but there’s something alluring about the idea of exploring abandoned (and possibly haunted) places, right? If you don’t think so, this might not be the thread...

17 People Muse On What Things Are Slowly Disappearing

The world is changing so fast these days that it can be hard to keep up. In the whole history of the human species, I think we’d be hard-pressed to find a fifty-year period in which things have grown and changed so rapidly that it can be hard to even remember how things used to...

11 Life Hacks That Would Probably Leave You Worse Off Than You Started

When the internet really gets going on life hacks, some cool stuff can come out of it. Personally, I’ve learned some amazing hacks, like how to get spaghetti sauce stains out of tupperware (for one), and others have been less thrilling but occasionally useful. If you’re looking for life hacks that are totally intriguing and...

These Lucky People Turned Up Amazing Finds

As a kid, I always wanted to find something cool. But with all of the adventures I went on, all of the hunts, I never turned up anything that could be considered a legitimate treasure. These people were lucky enough to find some truly cool stuff, though, and one of the best things about the...

These Horrible Landlords Are Actually Making Their Tenants Smile

You hear a lot these days about sketchy landlords who seem as if they’re actually going out of their way to make people’s lives as miserable as possible. They charge too much, don’t fix issues, and even endanger people’s health and safety. That said, a lot of them are out there doing the good work,...

15 Landlords That Belong In The Hall Of Shame

There’s been a lot of talk in the past couple of years about landlords and how truly awful they can be, even in the face of unprecedented events and people struggling to keep their heads above water. That said, there are landlords out there who are trying to do their best by their tenants while...