
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

Does This Girl Deserve The Child Support Her Mother Receives So She Can Save For A Car?

Divorce is never easy on anyone involved, whether it’s the children who might feel like it’s their fault or the adults who feel guilty for breaking up a secure home. In this woman’s case, her 21-year relationship ended with her being paid both alimony and child support, but since she doesn’t need either to get...

13 Funny And Non-Controversial Posts We Love

Look, I love a good internet squabble as much as the next person. We all get bored, we all get sucked in, and we all sometimes want to imagine what it might feel like to argue in a courtroom and absolutely eviscerate the opposing counsel. That said, some days you just want to tiptoe into...

13 Infographics That Describe A Good Portion Of The Human Race

There’s no universal experience in life, since each of us is walking a path unique to us and our specific understanding of the world. That said, there are some experiences that 99.9% of people seem to be able to relate to on some level – which is what Instagram account @truthfactsofficial is counting on with...

10 People Who Ask Not Very Smart Questions Online

If you’re someone who spends a lot of time on social media – or even a little time, honestly – you’ve probably encountered your fair share of not-so-smart people online. There are way too many of them, to be honest, and on the internet everyone has their very own megaphone. These 10 people really went...

15 Priceless Pictures Of This 95-Year-Old Woman And Her Grandson

There’s something special about grandparents, don’t you think? They’re fun, they’re our cohorts, they’re wise when we need it and silly when we don’t, and the days that we have them in our lives – however many we get – are some of the best of our lives. Young Ross Smith is luckier than most...

15 Amazing Selfies Snapped By The “Animal Whisperer”

There are many people around the world who fancy themselves animal lovers, and even more who would love to pet absolutely every fuzzball they come across, their own safety be d**ned. Allan Dixon, though – dubbed the “animal whisperer” – actually does get close to the animals who seem to love him, and he has...

11 Creative Maps We Love To Study

I don’t know about you, but I love a good map. I’m guessing if you’re here, you do too – and you’re going to be glad you clicked, because we’ve got 11 super fun and creative maps for you below. We’re not talking about regular maps here, y’all – more like popular hats in Europe...

10 Tattoo Makeovers That Will Make You Forget The Originals Existed

If you’ve ever gotten a tattoo and realized shortly afterward that you weren’t happy with it – the design, the choice, the execution, what have you – you know the unique pain of having something less than ideal permanently stamped on your body. Luckily, there are tattoo artists out there who are amazingly talented and...

15 Products So Innovative People Immediately Said “I NEED IT!!!”

People think they have great ideas for new and necessary products all the time, but the real test is whether or not other people think they need it. And these 15 inventors definitely had something on their hands, because when potential customers heard about their innovative ideas, they just knew they had to have it. 15....

The “Stupid Police” Are Dedicated To Bringing You The Internet’s Dumbest Moments

Do you remember when we were kids and we would accuse people of being the “stupid police” if they went around pointing out the dumb things the rest of us said and did? Well, we’re all grown up now but we haven’t grown out of it – Twitter’s “Stupid Police” account is out there bringing...

13 People Whose Online Complaints Totally Backfired

Do you think it’s interesting how sometimes the best parts of something – like, say, the internet – can also be the worst parts of that same thing? Like, being able to leave reviews (good or bad) and give companies your feedback instantaneously and for others to see can be such a great thing for...

This Teenager’s Pre-Op Artwork Made His Surgical Team Laugh So Hard It Delayed His Surgery

It’s always nice when you can make someone’s day, even if it only comes about because you were really bored and someone gave you a Sharpie. Which is kind of what happened to this kid while he was waiting for his knee surgery. The surgeon gave him a marker and told him to mark the...

16 Historical Events People Say Seem Like They Might Have Been Caused By A Clumsy Time Traveler

There are many things in history that seem ordered or even inevitable – if you lay out the facts and the order of events, it just makes sense, right? Then there are the moments in history that seem to come out of nowhere and just wreck everything. There’s no order, there’s no sense, and we’re...

14 Historical Events That May Have Been Influenced By Time Travelers

There are many things in history that make sort of inevitable sense. Battles are won by the bigger, stronger army. People die when circumstances outwit them, and the weather has had more than it’s fair share of influence over the years, too. There are other events, though, that seem to defy all logic and reason....

19 People Muse About What “Useless” Thing They Would Buy If They Won The Lotto

I think that most of us have fallen into the trap of imagining ourselves winning the lottery at one time or another, even if we don’t even play the lottery on any kind of a regular basis. It’s a fantasy, you know? What would you buy with a bunch of cash? What would be your splurge,...