Struggling Uber Driver Explains Why Tips Are Necessary in Emotional Video
A lot has changed in the past couple of years, and the way most of us get food delivery is definitely different. Although delivery services from a variety of restaurants – and even grocery stores – has been an option in big, coastal cities like New York for years, the concept has just made its...
Her In Laws Makes Absolutely Disgusting Food. Is She Wrong For Avoiding “Food Centric” Gatherings?
I feel like, for many families, a dinner table is where we naturally gather. When there are special occasions, there’s usually food involved and holiday menus are discussed for weeks in advance. When you’re blending families, though, there’s always the potential for an impasse when it comes to the foods you do – or don’t...
13 Spot-On And Giggle-Worthy Posts
If you know anything about good comedy, you know one of the easiest (!) ways to make a joke work is to make it as true as possible. Easier said than done, of course, but there you go. The same rule holds true for jokes people make online, because in everything that makes you laugh,...
14 Times Kids Perfectly Renamed Things
Kids have a way of looking at the world that, in its innocence and freshness, can cause us to see things in totally new and different ways. That’s a good thing, if you ask me, and it can also cause them to come up with hilariously true names for things we thought were already named well....
11 Entitled Employers Who Are Going To Make You Glad You Already Have A Job
There’s no doubt that being unemployed is stressful – but getting out there and finding a new job comes with its own stresses, too. We’d all like to be able to stay at the jobs we have, and have those jobs be with employers who treat us right and value us, but we also all...
This Woman Is Wondering If She Went Overboard In Getting Someone Fired
I think most of us realize that people really, really need their jobs to survive – and also, we never know what people are going through on any given day, and so we try not to judge our interactions with strangers. That said, sometimes there are moments when we’re treated so callously, or when a...
Woman Wonders Whether She Was Wrong For Inviting Husband’s Secret Daughter To Meet Her Sisters
Marriage, y’all. I swear, I’ve always known that it’s a flawed institution and harder than it looks, but until I started reading AITA the posts, I didn’t realize how many complete jerks were out there fooling people into matrimony. Strictly speaking, if you’re involved with someone who acts like a child, it’s best not to...
18 People React to Meghan Trainor’s Bathroom Bombshell
We obviously live in a world where we have the ability to share everything about our lives with total strangers on the internet – and some people, especially celebrities, often do. That said, there should be a line, don’t you think? Things that should just be kept to oneself? It seems like Meghan Trainor might...
17 Weird And Disturbing Historical Facts
There’s little in life that I love more than weird and random facts, and that goes double when they’re straight out of the history books. I’m not sure why historical facts are so interesting, but to me, they are. If you feel the same way, then I know you’re going to love these 17 strange...
15 Misconceptions That History Buffs Say Are Way Too Common
Sometimes the entire human race can seem to be playing a game of telephone, where information gets repeated and distorted, but then to add insult to injury, most people believe what they hear at the end even if we know for sure what was said at the beginning was actually right. If you’re someone who...
17 U.S. Cities People Say You’d Better Avoid
If you’ve someone who is native to the States, especially if you have spent any time traveling the winding roads that aren’t quite on the interstate, you know that you can never be quite sure where you’re going to stop for gas – or what might be waiting for you when you do. If traveling...
14 Items You Should Keep On Hand, Just In Case
We all like to have a well-stocked home, pantry, and car, right? The last thing we want is to run out of something our family considers a necessity. In our house, it’s ketchup. Because preschoolers. These 14 items are a bit more serious than ketchup, and having them on hand could really make a bad...
14 People Share The Things They’ve Seen – And Can’t Forget
I’m going to warn you now that the stories you’re about to read are in no way easy to digest. People see horrible things every day – things they wished later that they hadn’t witnessed, and things they’ll never, ever be able to erase from their minds. So, consider that your head’s up – because...
16 People Share The Truth About What Truly Gives Them A Fright
We live in a big, bad, scary world, which means there’s no shortage of things that could – and should – frighten a person. And that’s to say nothing of the things that go on in our own heads, which are scary in a different but still valid way. If you’re looking for more things...
20 Movies People Say Are Good Enough To Watch Again And Again (And Again)
There are so many movies out there to see, it sometimes seems like you should feel guilty for watching the same one over and over – but we all definitely do it, so I guess we shouldn’t have to, right? Whether it’s for comfort, because it’s just that brilliant, or something about a film really...