
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

14 Random Posts You’ll Want To Share With Your Friends

Most of us probably can’t define what it is that makes content totally sharable – we just see it, we laugh, and we know that one or more of our friends would actually love it, too. If you’re always looking for something giggle-worthy to pass along in your group chat(s), we think we’ve got you...

12 Posts We Think You And Your Friends Are Going To Love

There are some tweets that go in one ear and out the other, even if they make us smile, or maybe even chuckle. The thing that sets those tweets apart from the 12 we’re about to share you is that these are totally sharable. They make you laugh, but more than that, they make you...

How An Abandoned Street Cat Became An Internet Sensation

America loves rags-to-riches stories, and the whole world loves a good cat tail – er, tale – so it’s easy to see why the story of Benson the Former Street Cat is really tugging at our heartstrings. We’ve all got those stray cats around the neighborhood, or maybe near our workplace. We feed them, we...

10 People And The Strange Food Hacks They’re Not Afraid To Share

If you ask me, one of the best things about the internet is that it encourages people to share all of the weird things they do behind closed doors. And it’s not just because we feel safe behind our keyboards, either – it’s because we’re realizing that everyone is weird, and we’re all part of...

17 Americans Weigh In On Why They Do Or Don’t Want Universal Healthcare

The idea of universal healthcare is a completely normal one all over the world – but not in the States. Here, we still have private healthcare and as hard as some citizens and lawmakers make a case for changing that, we’re not really even close to making that happen. If you live in the States,...

16 People Describe The Experiences That Made Them Pro-Universal Healthcare

If you’re an American, you know that whether or not to choose a healthcare model that considers health a basic human right is more than a little controversial. While our friends in Europe, the UK, and all over the world enjoy affordable healthcare and can get treatment for things like cancer without having to file...

17 People Put Their Secret Desires Out Into The Universe

There’s something about speaking our secret desires out loud that make them seem more real, and even a bit more like we think something might actually happen. We all have those desires in our hearts that we’re scared to tell our friends and family about even, but the internet? They’ll never judge us, right? Here...

14 Things That Would Be Absolutely Terrifying If They Were Invisible

If you like musing on random questions that will never have any bearing on real life, I hope you’re on Reddit, because that’s kind of their specialty. Like this random thought, where a user who may or may not have been high asked people to tell him what they thought would be more disturbing if...

16 People’s Thoughts On What They Would Like To See Fall From The Sky

We’re actually lucky, I think, that rain and snow fall from the sky on the regular. We need those things for various reasons, like keeping the planet alive, but does that mean nothing else should ever rain down on us? These 16 Redditors say no – there are plenty of other things that would be awesome...

14 Social Customs People Would Really Like To See Disappear

Social customs are nice because they’re kind of a roadmap to how to behave among the other human beings. That said, sometimes those customs arose in the distant past and don’t really do anything helpful in the modern world. I bet you can think of a few, and so can Reddit – here are 14...

17 People Offer Up Suggestions Of Free Men Who Should Definitely Be In Prison

So many of us are into true crime these days, and with podcasts, television shows, movies, and books to keep us busy, there’s a good chance there are a bunch of running lists out there on exactly this topic. Because for every solved murder or missing persons case out there there is one that hasn’t...

16 People Weigh In On What Professions They Think Are Slowly Dying

It’s a brave new world out there, and honestly, our world is changing so fast there’s really no good way to predict what it’s going to look like in a decade, never mind a century. Things have changed so much in the past 100 years that there are tons of jobs that were once easy...

11 People Share The “Bits” They Do That Always Annoy Their Partners

One of the truest things about marriage or a long-term partnership is that you get to know the other person intimately – inside and out – and some days you use that knowledge to absolutely annoy the crap out of the other person. It’s just life. I don’t know why we do it, but we...

17 People Whose Days Are Probably Worse Than Yours

Everyone has a bad day now and again, right? Days when your mood is dark for no discernible reason or when nothing seems to be going right from the time your feet hit the floor. It happens to the best of us, and if you need proof that you’re not alone in your day that...

Was This Mom’s Reaction To Her Son’s Coming Out Totally Off-Base?

The world is becoming a better and more welcoming place for LGBTQ kids and adults, but a lot of people are still navigating the right and wrong ways to be as supportive as possible. When you’re a parent, you like to believe that your children know that you love them no matter what, but when...