Could a Huge, Ancient Shark Still Haunt the Deep? Scientists Weigh In.
If you were a child once, there’s a good chance that you were fascinated with dinosaurs. If you’re an adult, there’s a chance that fascination lives on – you love the Jurassic Park movies, and somewhere in the back of your mind, you think it would be pretty awesome to meet a live dinosaur…as long as...
The History of Alaska’s Giant Rhubarb
Rhubarb is one of those flavors that divides people along pretty clean lines – you love the tart bite of it or you can’t stand the stringy nature, and there’s very little in between. That said, you don’t have to eat it to be interested in how and where certain plant life settles in the...
Ben & Jerry’s Released a Line of Desserts Your Pooch Will Love
If Ben & Jerry’s isn’t already your favorite ice cream flavor, first of all, you’re wrong. Their ice cream is delicious, the flavors are superb, their names are on point, they’re always consistent, and yeah, it’s totally worth the money. Throw in the fact that they’re also active in the social justice arena, and I...
Apparently, Octopus Get Their Kicks Punching Small Fish
I had heard before how intelligent octopuses are, that they’re great at solving problems and generally trouble to keep around. That said, it wasn’t until I saw Finding Dory that it really sank in. Now, scientists are telling us that not only are they smart, they’re kind of the bullies of the sea, too. This new...
Hummingbirds See an Array of Splendid Colors That Humans Cannot
Hummingbirds are like the fairy-spirit-dragon-unicorns of the bird world. When considering the very beautiful and very powerful hummingbird it’s easy to be like, maybe half bug, yeah? As in, how do they do that? With the flapping? What sort of superpower mutant gene exists in nature that gave them the ability to beat their wings...
50 Years Ago Oregon Blew up a Dead Whale on Live TV and the Internet Will Never Forget
Fifty years ago Oregon had a “whale of a problem” explained reporter Paul Linnman. In November of 1970, a 45-ft, 8-ton whale carcass washed ashore in Florence, OR just 60 miles west of Eugene and the nearest beach town. It had been so long since a whale washed ashore, none of the locals remembered exactly...
22 Veterinarians Share the Worst Pet Names They’ve Heard
It’s a popular pastime to make fun of ridiculous, made up, not-pronounceable baby names for humans, but what about the things people choose to name their pets? What about those poor dogs, cats, bunnies, and other animals out there with truly terrible names? It’s high time we bring their plights into the light, and these...
17 Tricks Zookeepers Have for Weighing Animals
Okay, fair warning – these pictures are about how zookeepers weigh all kinds of animals, but mostly, they’re an excuse to look at adorable baby animals mugging for the camera. I have a feeling you’re down for both, though, so check out these 17 tricks zookeepers use to make sure they get accurate weights on all...