
Animals & Nature

We’ve All Been Waiting for These Images of a Giant Squid in U.S. Waters

If you’re even a casual marine life aficionado, you realize that there’s no consensus that space is actually the last frontier. The world’s oceans hold many similar secrets in their depths, tucked safely out of sight, and even though we’ve lived with these bodies of waters for millennia, we may never uncover them all. We...

Scientists Say That Driving Tiny Cars Helps Rats Relax

I read this headline and think, I don’t know. Some days, driving can seem super relaxing and carefree, but other days, it’s definitely not – and it mostly depends on other drivers, not myself. For rats, though, I suppose they’re always driving their tiny cars in nice, controlled environments. No rat road rage, no people...

These Mechanics All Had to Deal With Some Pretty Crazy Problems

I guess I’ve never really considered what kinds of weird things mechanics have to deal with all the time, but now my eyes have been opened! Because all of these photos are pretty wild and they prove that those men and women who work on our cars and keep us on the road encounter all...

14 Times Mechanics Dealt With Some Crazy Problems

What’s the absolute weirdest thing that’s ever happened to your car? Think about it for a minute…I’ll wait… Well, I bet whatever you came up with doesn’t compare to the photos you’re about to see. And, luckily for us, these mechanics were smart enough to take some snapshots because they knew they were seeing some...

Check Out These Odd Animal Facts That Somehow People Knew

As an animal lover, I have to say that I’m very excited to dig into these facts. Because even if you consider yourself some kind of animal expert, you’re never really gonna be able to know it all, right? And that’s why articles like this are so cool! Let’s check out some amazing animal facts...

People Share 15 Animal Facts That Are Very Extra

Are you ready to get some knowledge laid on you? I know I sure am! And I’m extra excited that it’s going to be about animals. Because I love ’em all! Big, small, black, brown, white, lovable, dangerous. They’re all amazing. So let’s get it on with some wonderful animal facts! Here’s what folks on...

Tumblr Users Debunk Misconceptions About Ethical Farming Practices

The Internet is a vast resource for discovering new information, but these days it can be difficult to sort what is true from what is false. Misinformation can spread easily, even if unintentionally. It’s important to correct false claims when we see them, like users did in this Tumblr thread on the ethics of raising...

14 Memes that Will Teach You Something New

I love learning new things. Especially tidbits of information that aren’t necessary to know, but once you learn them you feel cool for being in the know. You know? Knowledge is power. It’s always impressive when people can rattle off obscure facts and trivia. So check out these 14 informative memes and you too can...