Are We Really Obligated To Do Anything To Please A Bride?
There are no shortage of posts on Reddit’s Am I The A$$hole forum that deal with brides, weddings, and other people’s obligation to those people and events, but you’re really going to have to buckle up for this one, folks. The couple, who are are having a Harry Potter themed wedding just so happen to have...
11 Pictures That Prove Winter Is Beautiful, Too
Here’s the thing. I don’t think that most of us would disagree that winter is lovely to look at…as long as you don’t have a reason to be out in it. And sadly, for most of us, that’s not often an option. Still, if you like looking at pretty pictures and want to remember that...
What’s the Most Interesting Fact You Know? Here’s What People Said.
I love meeting new people from all different walks of life. Because they’re usually full of fascinating facts that I’ve never heard before! And that kind of info is what makes life interesting, my friends! So, in the spirit of learning about all kinds of cool stuff, enjoy these facts that AskReddit users were nice...
What Animal Would You Not Mind Seeing Go Extinct? Here’s What People Said.
Can we all agree that the world would be a lot better off if mosquitoes were gone forever? And I don’t want to hear anything about how it’ll mess up the food chain or such arguments. We need it! What animals would you like to see go bye-bye forever? Here’s what folks had to say...
15 Animals People Would Love To See Go Extinct Sooner Rather Than Later
Most of the time we’re hoping that animals don’t go extinct, or we’re talking about ways we can stop that from happening, but let’s be honest – not all animals are really doing their best to endear themselves to humanity, right? These 15 people piped right up when someone asked what species they would like to...
16 People Decide What Awful Animal They Would Make Disappear
I know that we’re supposed to love all creatures under the sun and all of that, but the truth is, some things just don’t do a very good job making themselves lovable at all. In fact, some of them are so unlovable that we wouldn’t even mind if they were gone at all – but...
She Refused to Allow a Service Dog Into Her Apartment. Did She Act Like a Jerk?
Hey, not everyone loves dogs. I’m definitely NOT one of those people, but I think I can see where this woman is coming from who you’re about to hear from. She wants to know if she acted like a jerk for not allowing a service dog into her apartment…but she has a pretty good reason...
10 Animals Who Are Too Good For Words
Sometimes there aren’t enough or the right words to really describe someone or something, and when it comes to animals and their inherent good and lightness in this world, this happens more often than not. These 10 animals are no exception to the very good boi and gooder girl rules, and deserve all of the...