

20 Cat-Loving Comics That Capture Moments All Cat People Know

There are cat people, dog people, and people who like and own both (and also bird people, but let’s not get into them here). For anyone who co-exists with a cat, you know there’s a certain unwritten agreement between species. Namely, they do what they want, and we feed them and clean up after them...

You’re Worse at Picking Good Photos of Yourself Than a Stranger Is, Research Says

Taking a cute selfie may seem like a simple task, until you actually try to do it. Often, you’ll wind up taking approximately 5,000 photos before you see one that’s cute enough to post. But who deems a photo “cute enough”? Beauty is subjective, and according to one study, you’re not the best person to...

20 Quick Memes About the New “Joker”

Whether you’re a fan of superhero (or villain, or antihero) movies and stories or not, it’s been tough to avoid the press surrounding the release of Joker. Joaquin Phoenix plays the title character, and by all accounts his performance is amazing – but that’s where the positives end for many (although many others seem to...

15 Comics Based on Real Encounters With Horrible Tourists While Working in Iceland

Working with the public can be its own special hell – human beings are silly, and demanding, and obtuse, and when you throw a cultural or language barrier into the mix, things get even more wild. It’s important to keep a sense of humor about it all (largely so you don’t commit murder), and that’s...

Want to Go on a Really Creepy Hike? Try Atlanta’s ‘Doll’s Head Trail’

If you’re looking for a unique scare this Halloween season and you find yourself in the Southeast, you should consider making a trip to Atlanta to check out Doll’s Head Trail, a one-of-a-kind, eerie experience that will leave you unsettled. https://www.instagram.com/p/B2tqyTnDsp3/ The trail is in Atlanta’s Constitution Lakes Park, and it is decorated with, as...

20 of the Best Photos from the Mister Global National Outfits Showcase

If you’ve never heard of the Mister Global competition, you should look into it. It’s a male beauty pageant that started in 2014, and this year it took place in Thailand. The spokesperson for this year’s pageant explains a bit more: “The aim of Mister Global is to promote environmental awareness, and we have been...

15 Scientists Share Their Biggest Fails from the Field

If you think about a scientist, your mind probably goes to someone in a lab, a white coat, a physicist in front of white board, or someone working at NASA. Serious people. Let me (and artist Jim Jourdane) relieve you of that notion, though, because these 15 scientists had to go into the field for...

6 Things to Keep in Your Home to Sprout Good Fortune, Peace, and Security

Are you superstitious? Maybe religious? Or perhaps your neither, but do like a bit of spirituality in your life. This list will give you some insight to items you should have in your home. That is, if you want to boost good energy, ward away evil, or simply want some cool decorations. #6. Feng Shui...