

16 Things People Say Started As Jokes, But Quickly Became Serious

I’m sure things like this happened back in the dark ages before the internet, but I do think things like social media have made them more prevalent. It’s hard sometimes to determine whether or not people are serious online, and that could be why things that are (clearly?) jokes sometimes end up being taken way...

13 Hilarious And Poignant Moments In Comedy Films

When we think of brilliantly done moments on film, we typically think of the big, dramatic ones attached to even bigger names. The truth is that every movie has the ability to touch us, and to make us think, and these 13 comedies are as good as they are funny. 13. Hopefully one with less...

16 Posts That Prove Twitter Still Has Jokes

Even if the prevailing opinion these days is that Twitter is moonwalking toward the exit as far as online relevance, there are still quite a few people there making decent cracks as the ship goes down. Who knows how many more of these lists we’ll be able to make, so let’s enjoy these 16 funny...

14 People Talk About the Most Ridiculous Things That Folks Actually Thought Were Real

I really enjoy some things about social media, but we all have to admit that the amount of disinformation and flat-out FALSE information on there is out of control. Because a lot of people believe that stuff! And that’s not a good thing… So, what’s the dumbest thing that people actually thought was real? AskReddit...

What’s the Most Ridiculous Thing People Thought Was Real? Here’s What Folks Said.

When I was a kid, there was a rumor going around my school about Richard Gere and a gerbil…and Michael Jackson and a gerbil…and Jon Bon Jovi and a gerbil… Of course, it wasn’t true, but every generation of kids has its own urban legends that involve celebrities doing weird, perverted things. And that brings...

What’s Normal at 3 A.M. But Terrifying at 3 P.M.? People Responded.

I know my answer to this question! Having a nightmare at 3 a.m. when you’re sleeping is totally normal…but in the middle of the day? Now, that is creepy! And you’d have to figure out if you were actually sleeping or awake…which adds another terrifying element to the situation. But that’s just my opinion! Let’s...

These Hilarious Tweets Might Make You Hoot and Holler

If you’re looking to hoot and holler, you’re in the right place, my friends! Because thes tweets are totally hilarious! And we think you’re gonna have the TIME OF YOUR LIFE. Or, at least one of the top five times of your whole life…or something in that neighborhood. Have some laughs on us and get...

14 Funny Tweets We Know You’re Gonna Love

What is that…? It seems like there’s something that I can’t quite put my finger on… Do you feel it? Wait, I got it! We really think that love is in the air! No, it’s not Valentine’s Day! We’re talking about how much we think you’re gonna fall in love with these tweets! Does that...