15 People Discuss What They Can’t Believe Folks Really Like
You really like that? Really?!?! Okay, it’s your life…but I think you’re making a big mistake! Now that we’ve listened to my inner dialogue, let’s hear from AskReddit users about what they can’t believe people really like. Take a look! 1. Very weird. “People who are enamored by currently incarcerated m**derers. The fact that people...
15 People Share the Things They’re Tired of Other Folks Trying to Convince Them Is Great
I’m not gonna name any names, but it seems like there are 3 or 4 musical artists these days that people try to convince everyone are great. And you know what? I’m not really into them. It’s just my personal opinion, but I’m tired of hearing about them! What are you tired of hearing is...
Who Are You Getting Really Tired of Hearing About? People Shared Their Thoughts.
We live in a world filled with constant information, constant news, and constant NOISE. And it can be hard to unplug and block everything out…because there are a lot of really BAD and really ANNOYING things going on in the world. Let’s hear from AskReddit users about what they’re sick and tired of hearing about....
What Are You Sick of People Trying to Convince You Is Great? Here’s What Folks Said.
Some people, I tell ya… They make it their mission in life to convince you that something is great…even when you’re not buying what they’re selling… It can be annoying! So let’s hear what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. It’s a cult. “Taylor Swift. I just can’t seem to get into her,...
15 People Talk About What They Think Has Always Been Awesome and Always Will Be
In my humble opinion, some things are just timeless and awesome. Ford Mustangs from the 1960s, The Ramones, Converse All-Stars, the list goes on and on. But everyone has their own thoughts about this kind of stuff, so let’s hear what AskReddit users think is awesome and will ALWAYS be awesome. 1. What a rush!...
If There Was a Vote for One Person to Receive Immortality, Who Would Win? People Responded.
It’s inevitable: we all pass away and no one can live forever… But today we’re going to have a little fun and imagine what life would be like if ONE and only ONE person could receive immortality. Who would you vote for? Check out what AskReddit users said about this. 1. Bad boss. “My old...
14 People Share What They Think Will End With Millennials
Hey, Millennials aren’t gonna be around forever, you know… It’s true! But have you ever thought about what will go away when those folks aren’t around any longer? Here’s what folks had to say about this on AskReddit. 1. For real! “Memory of life without the Internet. I don’t think a lot of people appreciate...
What Will End With Millennials? Here’s What People Said.
Millennials are people who were born between 1981 and 1996, so they still have a lot of living ahead of them. But, still, have you ever thought about what will go away when all the Millennials are gone? Check out what folks had to say about this on AskReddit. 1. Yup. “Being able to navigate...