What Do You Like to Collect? Here’s What People Had to Say.
I don’t collect as much stuff as I did when I was younger, but I used to collect all kinds of cool stuff: old movie posters, hockey memorabilia, VHS tapes. Maybe I need to get back into it…I guess time will tell… What do you like to collect? Let’s see what people had to say...
What Do You Think Screams Late 1990s/Early 2000s? Here’s What People Said.
In case you’re too young to remember, the late 1990s and the early 2000s were a pretty glorious time. Good music, good TV and movies, and the world seemed to be a more peaceful place. And today we’re gonna take a trip down Memory Lane and relive some of those great times. Let’s take a...
What Current Trends Do You Want to Go Away? People Responded.
I’m not trying to offend anyone here, but I do not understand how those atrocious, high-waisted “mom jeans” from the 1980s and 1990s are popular again with young people. They look terrible! But that’s just me… What current trends do you want to see go away? Here’s what AskReddit users had to say. 1. Amen!...
She Doesn’t Want Her Husband to See “The Batman” the Day Their Baby Is Due. Is She Wrong?
What’s more important? Your child being born or seeing the latest superhero movie in the theater? I know, it’s a tough one, right…? Well, while you contemplate that big question, check out this story and let us know what you think about this guy who seems like a real gem. AITA for not wanting my...
What’s Something From the 1990s That You Want Back? Here’s What People Said.
Boy, the 1990s were a lot of fun! No Internet, no cell phones, good music, good movies, it was a great time to come of age! And wouldn’t it be nice if some of those things were still around? AskReddit users got real about what they want back from the 1990s. Let’s check out their...
What Movie Never Should Have Been Made? People Shared Their Thoughts.
In case you haven’t been paying attention, the bigwigs in Hollywood seem like they’ve been remaking EVERY classic movie for the past 15 years or so. Are they out of ideas? Are they bored? Or maybe they just think all these reboots will make a lot of money…I guess you’d have to talk to them....
12 People Discuss the Current Trends They Want to Go Away
Are there some current trends that got you down in the dumps? Ones that you can’t even believe people are excited about these days? Well you’re not alone! Because so do these AskReddit users! Let’s see what they had to say about this. 1. Terrible. “Demonizing education. Anytime somebody demonizes education they are only hurting...
12 People Share What They Miss About the 1990s
You know what I miss the most about the 1990s? There were no cell phones and it was glorious! Don’t get me wrong, I love my iPhone, but there was something really fun What do you miss about the ’90s? Let see how folks responded on AskReddit. 1. Not anymore… “The privacy. I was just...