

Why Do People Think It’s Okay to Lose Yourself in a Book but Not in a Video Game or Social Media? Folks Responded.

This is a good question that we’re about to dive into today. It really does seem like there’s a stigma out there against people who get super involved in gaming or other online ventures. I’m not personally a gamer, but I say whatever floats your boat, right? Why do most people consider it okay to...

What Actor Was So Great in a Role That No One Will Ever Be Able to Outdo Them? Here’s What People Said.

I love movies. And when I think about actors in amazing roles in films that I’ve seen, several come to mind: Leonardo DiCaprio in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?, Chiwetel Ejiofor in 12 Years a Slave, Sean Penn in D**d Man Walking. The list goes on and on. And now we’re about to hear about some more great roles....

10 Moments in Cartoons That Were There for the Parents, Not the Kids

Having to watch entertainment made for kids on repeat with the beloved littles in our life can get pretty tedious. So it’s always fun when they stick in a joke or two for the adults who are watching for the fortyleventh time. BuzzFeed recently crowd-sourced some of these little hidden jokes, and a lot of...

13 People Share What Fanbases They Think Act Like Cults

I know my answer to this question! And it probably won’t be a huge revelation to a lot of folks out there… But I think that SOME people who are really into the Insane Clown Posse are basically a cult. Come to think of it, they’d probably even agree with me! People on AskReddit spoke...

What Fanbase Acts Like a Cult? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Have you ever been to a concert where you weren’t super into the band and you thought to yourself, “wow, these people are fanatical about this group?” I have…and the band shall remain nameless…for now… But the fact is that there are a lot of fanbases for bands and other things out there that are INCREDIBLY devoted....

What Disturbing Movie Do You Recommend, but You Don’t Ever Want to See Again? Here’s What People Said.

Have you ever seen the movie Inside? It’s a French horror film from 2007 that is very well done…and it’s absolutely disgusting and disturbing. Like disturbing to the point that I never, ever, ever want to see it again… What disturbing movie would you recommend even though you never want to see it again? Here’s how...

17 Small Movie Roles That Had a Big Impact

They say there are no small parts, only small actors, and if you’ve ever seen a performance that didn’t take up a ton of screen time but still made an impact, you know that’s true. https://twitter.com/baeburke/status/1373099289057038336 There are tons of examples out there – my favorite one, I think, is the Riley character from National Treasure...

15 People Share the Small Roles That Left a Lasting Impression

When we decide what movie or television show to watch next, who’s starring in it will often sway us one way or another. We’re looking for the big names, the faces we recognize, and the talent we depend on to keep us entertained. That said, it’s often the smaller characters who bring those shows or...