What Can You Not Believe Other People Like? Here’s What Folks Said.
Hey, to each their own, but people have pretty weird taste sometimes, don’t you think? I sure do! But whatever floats your boat… What can you not believe other people actually like? Check out what AskReddit users said about this. 1. One way to put it. “Autotune. Yeah, it’s on pitch, but the timbre sounds...
What’s Your Most Unpopular Music Opinion? People Responded.
I’m not gonna lie, I love a good UNPOPULAR music opinion. One that really gets people rattled and worked up. And I don’t get to hear them very often, so I’m pretty excited about this today! Check out these unpopular music opinions from AskReddit users. 1. Strong feelings. “That Nickelback isn’t as bad as people...
15 People Talk About the TV Shows They Really Don’t Like
I tried…I really tried… But, despite my best efforts, I could not get into any kind of Star Trek show. I’m sorry, okay! Don’t get so upset! I guess it’s just not my thing… But enough about me! Let’s hear about the TV shows that AskReddit users can’t stand! 1. Forced. “I feel like the “Talent” shows...
What Celebrity Can You Simply Not Stand? Here’s What People Said.
I’m gonna keep my mouth shut this time… Because there are a WHOLE LOT of celebrities who I’m not crazy about! But today is all about the AskReddit users…so let’s see which celebs are on their s**t lists! 1. I knew it! “I have disliked Will Smith for 25 years. Always thought the clean rap...
15 People Discuss What They Can’t Believe Folks Really Like
You really like that? Really?!?! Okay, it’s your life…but I think you’re making a big mistake! Now that we’ve listened to my inner dialogue, let’s hear from AskReddit users about what they can’t believe people really like. Take a look! 1. Very weird. “People who are enamored by currently incarcerated m**derers. The fact that people...
13 People Talk About Celebrity Downfalls That Actually Made Them Feel Bad
I think we can all agree that not every celebrity who gets canceled or falls out of favor with the public deserves it. In fact, some of the stories are downright tragic. AskReddit users shared their thoughts about the celebrity downfalls that actually made them feel bad. 1. A great actor. “River Phoenix. Feel so...
13 People Share Their Most Unpopular Music Opinions
I’m gonna go on the record and just say it. I don’t really like Pearl Jam. There, I said it… Do they have a few good songs? Sure. But I really don’t understand all the hype and the folks who absolutely WORSHIP them. But that’s just me… What’s your unpopular music opinion? Check out what...
What’s a TV Show That You Just Can’t Stand? Here’s What People Said.
Is there a TV show that just really makes your skin crawl every time you hear the intro song? I still get the willies every time I hear the opening of As the World Turns because my mom and my sisters used to watch that when I was growing up. No thank you! What TV show...